Chapter 17 - Family Time (Part 1)

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Jack's POV:

"Jack, wake up!" My wonderful slumber was disturbed by my wonderful mother. I sat up in my bed with groggy eyes and looked at my bedside clock with squinted eyes.

It's only 7 o'clock. Why would she wake me up so early? And to top that of, its Saturday.

After the hectic day at the amusement park, I couldn't sleep. But I went to sleep some time near 2 o'clock in the night. It was a relief that Ravenna came back home with a smile, because I was not ready to listen to her whine to her friend on call all night long.

"Jack, if you don't wake up right now, I'm coming up there, young lady!" My mother's voice brought me out of my thoughts as I got up from my bed with a sigh.

I was still sleepy but I had to wake up because my mother and anger did not mix well together.

Making my way towards the bathroom to freshen up, I quickly did my morning routine before going downstairs to see why I had to wake up so early in the morning.

But when I reached the living room, I found out that it wasn't just me that my mother had woken up. It was the whole family.

Ravenna and Sandra were sitting on the couch besides each other and from the way they were sitting with frowns on their faces, I could tell that they didn't enjoy their sleep being disturbed as well.

Uncle Rick and dad were sat on the two-seater while mom occupied the recliner.

"Why'd you wake me up so early, mom?" I asked sleepily, as I tried to control the yawn.

"If you didn't notice, she woke us all up early." And it was too early to hear stupid comments from Ravenna, but I guess it wasn't for her.

I threw a glare her way before looking back at mom to answer my question.

"Because we are going to be spending family time together." My mother finally answered which made Sandra, Ravenna and uncle Rick groan.

"Why so suddenly? I thought we spend time together in the summer." I whined while uncle Rick and the two witches nodded their heads.

"Maybe because my children are being secretive and your father is always busy. Only your uncle Rick is at home and no offense Rick, but you're getting fat." Mom replied and then looked towards uncle Rick who was now fully awake as he looked at his stomach with a frown.

"Aw, come on now, mom. Don't be rude." Sandra scolded mom before patting uncle Rick's shoulder, who was still frowning down at his port-belly.

"You're not fat uncle Rick. You're just way too healthy." Sandra continued which made me roll my eyes. And for a moment, I thought she was going to say something sweet. I rolled my eyes at my sister.

"Don't pick on me just because I'm silent. Silence doesn't mean ignorance." Uncle Rick whined which made me chuckle. Well, that sure sounded like a dialogue from a cringey movie.

"Mom. We're getting way off topic here." I complained after realizing how we weren't discussing what we were woken up for.

"Oh right. We are gonna spend time today and we are gonna spend it like old fashioned people." Mom stated, well more like commanded.

"But-" She cut me off.

"No buts. Now, go all of you and pack some stuff you want to take with you where we are going." Mom ordered once again, and we were forced to obey.

And during this all my father stood silent, watching everything happen, not uttering a single word.

Sandra and Ravenna groaned a last time before heading upstairs to their room to pack their stuff.

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