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(The next day)

The History class began, our professor Mrs.Ravte was teaching Marxism at that time. She was wearing a teal coloured saree with some rose gold jewellery which admired her dusky skintone adorkably.

For some reason, she is a special teacher for me. The way she carries herself with so much sophistication and her unending wisdom with utmost grace....ah!

I aspire to instill her qualities in me.

The lecture got over, and I reached her after that one.
(I was all nervous because it is certain that you become so when you ask for something to a very respectful person)

I said, " Ma'am could you please... help me with my debate points, like could you just improvise them for me if you don't mind?"

"Well.... Okay give me the script. I will see it when I get time." Ma'am said.
I thought she wouldn't even consider seeing it but wow!
I was fangirling like anything at that moment.

"Thank you so much ma'am" I said and moved on.

"Heyyyy Adira!" It was surely Neha. She is such a person who would just pop out of nowhere and call me in a strikingly embarrassing way.

Yes, Neha, it would be nice if you just shout from those stairs itself.(sarcastic)

She back hugged me and said, " What was Ma'am saying? Did she solve your doubt? That's a no chance. She just doesn't listen to anyone, very strict baba "

"Nothing like that and don't you say like that about her, okay? She is willing to help me with my debate points.
I was wasn't solving a doubt."I said in a defensive tone.

"That's rare. No that's seriously unusual." She said.

Wait, who are you to say that, she's glorious. Don't you say anything to my Miss." I dashed onto her statement.

"Ahhh, whatever now don't begin your boring lecture."
I smirked.

Anyways, when is the debate competition?
I am so excited, which college will be our rivals? And who will be your partners? How many from our college are going?How about we just?..." Neha said in an extremely high jumping voice.

"Ok ok, calm down dear. Nothing is fixed yet. And besides why don't you participate as well. It will be so much fun."
I said.

"Yeah, I am thinking about it. And I am not even a master at that subject, like I need somebody to help me with all the points, notes, counter points, pros and cons and all that stuff.. you know?" She said

"Yep, I can understand. If you are willing to participate, I can teach you. We will have a lot of fun together, besides we can watch some movies sitting in the cyber cafe after we're done with the research." I said and winked.

"Sounds great honey!!" She said in excitement.

Around 3 in noon..

(Dancing in the hoods in the middle of the woods
on an old Mustang where we sang.....)

I was sitting in the Bistro cafe near our college and completing my assignment while vibing to the song.
I felt like getting up and dancing to tunes. But can't na....

Jimmy came in the cafe after about half an hour.

I was already sleepy enough due to those boring extra micronotes which were made compulsory in the assignment.

My head was about to collapse on the table (sleepy), and fortunately he came and stopped the accident!

"Hey, what the hell? You're sitting alone, where are the other folks? Where's Sana, Aarav and Neha? No no, you aren't supposed to be getting bored all alone. You have to do that with all your buddies" Jimmy said in a hasty tone.

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