10. Her Solace

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Disclaimer: All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as a work of fiction.


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Smriti's POV -

I ran out of the house clutching my bag tightly, not sparing anyone a glance. I continued running like a mad girl aimlessly on the sidewalk. Soon exhaustion took over me. However, my frustration was much greater than the tiredness from running. In fact, running helped me numb my raging emotions.

Soon I found myself entering a park. Finding a place near the pond, I sat down on the bench more tired from the emotional trauma that I have to deal with on a daily basis rather than from the physical exertion I did in the past one hour. The park was almost empty considering how late in the evening it was. I looked at the time on my watch and sighed. It was 9.15 pm.

Slowly, I let the tears of anger, frustration, sorrow and, most importantly, tears of helplessness fall on my cheeks. I don't even realize when do my tears turn into wails, but I try letting myself free from these constraining emotions.

Suddenly, I hear a very familiar person calling my name slowly, in relief.

"Smriti." I recognize the deep, manly yet soft voice instantly, causing me to stiffen in my place.

He keeps his hand on my shoulder, causing me to turn towards his direction. He looks so disheveled. His earlier neatly tucked shirt is now out of its constraints, his other hand running through his already disheveled hair, making them more untidy if possible.

My shameless tears do not stop even after seeing him suddenly, in such a state.

He doesn't waste a moment and takes me in his comforting embrace, moving his hand on my back in an attempt to comfort me.

"Shhh...It's okay, I'm here now." Vivek coos to me.

We stay in that position for a while till my wailing turns into sobs, sobs turn into hiccups and finally the hiccups die down.

He sits beside me on the bench, running his hand over his face, before looking at me with his tired eyes and wrinkled forehead.

"Why?" He asks me almost accusingly, leaving me shocked.

I look at him with my questioning gaze as a reply.

"Why did you run away from your house like this, Smriti?" He sighs deeply.

"What do you mean by why? Have you come here to judge me like my family?" I couldn't help the rudeness and irritation in my voice.

"Of course I've come here to judge you this late at night because suddenly you decide to run away from your problems rather than facing them." He speaks out in equal irritation and anger, irking me more.

"I did not call you. You might as well just leave from here." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"So that you get to turn away from your problems." He accused me, once again.

"I'm not turning away from my problems and you certainly are not one of them." I scream helplessly.

"Of course I'm. You were completely alright before I left you at the doorstep of your house. This has to be something regarding me." He stared deep into my eyes, crossing his arms across his chest.

"No, it's me. I'm the problem." I feel tears once again pricking in the back of my eyes as I admit the obvious.

"Stop victimizing yourself, Smriti." He says sternly.

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