24. Unsolicited Advice

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Disclaimer: All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as a work of fiction.


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Smriti's POV - 

In a dimly lit room, the atmosphere was thick with tension as they found themselves drawn together. Their gazes locked, intense and filled with desire as he slowly advanced, his magnetic presence pulling her closer

He whispered huskily, his voice laced with longing, "You're driving me wild."

Sitting comfortably on the couch, the soft glow of the TV screen illuminating the room as a particularly steamy scene from "50 Shades of Grey" is playing on the TV screen, I cannot help but wonder about my lovely sister-in-law's taste in movies. Amrita had forced me to sit with her in her room and insisted that we watch the movie as a way to relax from the whirlwind of wedding preparations.

The past fortnight had been a whirlwind indeed. It felt like just yesterday when we had embarked on the wedding preparations, starting with the selection of a picturesque wedding destination. After much contemplation, we had chosen the enchanting city of Udaipur, with its majestic palaces and serene lakes, as the backdrop for Vivek and my special day. 

The wedding preparations had been nothing short of extravagant. I kind of get nightmares thinking about the hours we had spent meticulously selecting and sending out elaborate greeting cards to friends, relatives, business partners, and colleagues. Each card was a work of art in itself, a reflection of the grandeur that awaited the guests. 

Then came the shopping for dresses, a task that seemed endless. If the previous task sounds tiring, then selecting dresses with Mom and Amrita definitely sounds scary. They had scoured boutiques and designer showrooms to find the perfect outfits for each and every wedding function. Don't get me wrong, I had been awed by the sheer variety and opulence of the attire, from the traditional bridal lehenga to the elegant gowns for the reception, but I am already so tired shopping them, and Amrita says we are far from being done. It makes me want to cry.

"You are mine, Anastasia".

As the intense scene on the TV continued, my thoughts briefly wandered from the movie to the wonderful man I was about to marry. Amidst all these tiring preparations, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and dedication of my soon-to-be-husband. Despite all the burden of the sudden wedding preparations on his shoulders, he had managed to complete all the necessary documentations for my college admission and had already secured my admission to one of the best design colleges in Delhi.  He said he didn't want to compromise my studies and my future at any cost. It was a gesture that filled my heart with love and adoration and even more respect for him.

The journey to this point had been quite eventful, but it was also filled with love, support, and a promise of a beautiful future together. With a contented smile, I turned my attention back to the movie, ready to unwind and enjoy this moment of relaxation with my ever-supportive sister-in-law by my side.

"Christian, I..." Anastasia's breath caught in her throat as she felt the heat of his body pressing against hers. Her heart raced, and she struggled to find her voice. 

My heartbeats raced, too.

But words failed her as he closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a passionate, possessive kiss. Their mouths melded together, igniting a fiery passion that had been simmering beneath the surface for far too long.

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