32. Confidence Is The Key

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Disclaimer: All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as a work of fiction.


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Smriti's POV -

The bright sun rays peeking from the curtains woke me from my deep slumber. I shifted slightly only to notice a heavy hand on my waist.

I opened my eyes slowly to the welcoming sight of my beautiful, uh, my handsome husband sleeping, turned sideways towards me. I moved my fingers through his silky hair that was falling on his forehead, obstructing my view. This earned me a low sleepy groan from him. I chuckled in response. He could be a baby when he is sleepy.

I slowly shifted my weight to my right elbow as I propped myself so that I could come closer to Vivek's face, or rather, his lips.

I leaned in, my lips inches away from his, teasing him. My breath tickled his skin and I could feel him stirring awake. I couldn't resist any longer and lightly brushed my lips against his in a playful kiss. As soon as I tried to pull away, I felt his hands slip below my hips, to my buttocks, and he tightened his hold, preventing me from breaking the kiss. I gasped in surprise, unknowingly giving his tongue the perfect entrance it wanted.

Vivek deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth while his hands roamed over my body, leaving me breathless. I could feel his lips curve into a smirk against mine as he took control of the kiss, making me feel weak in the knees.

I melted into his touch, losing myself in the moment. His hands on my body, his lips on mine, it was all too much. I let out a moan, giving him permission to explore and take me to new heights of pleasure.

But before we could fully immerse ourselves in the moment, an abrupt and sharp ringing sound shattered our intimacy.

Damn you, alarm clock!

In the split second that followed, I saw Vivek shoot a pointed look at the offending clock, a sentiment I silently echoed with a chuckle. His gaze shifted back to me, and in an instant, the irritation in his eyes melted into tenderness.

He drew me closer to his chest and remarked, "What a wonderful way to start the morning." With a playful wink, he added warmth to my already blushing cheeks.

Vivek's gentle fingers traced patterns on my arm as we lay tangled in each other's warmth. The morning had brought a serene vibe, but I sensed there was something on his mind. He hesitated for a moment, and then, with a soft sigh, he broached the topic.

"Smriti," he began, his voice a comforting murmur, "about yesterday..."

I tightened my grip on him, dreading the revisitation of those painful memories. "Vivek, can we not talk about it? Please." I don't even know what had gotten into me yesterday when I over shared with Vivek, something I have not done with anyone else.

He nodded, understanding in his eyes, but he persisted. "Smriti, I know it was tough for you. But you can't avoid facing it. You have to go to college and deal with this, not just for yourself but to show them that you won't be broken by their words."

I sighed, a mix of reluctance and apprehension filling me. "Vivek, I just want things to feel normal. Can't we just forget about it?"

He cupped my face, his eyes holding a mixture of love and concern. "Smriti, I want you to be strong. This is your battle, and I have full faith in your strength. You've faced worse. Remember, I'm here for you, but you have to confront this."

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