11. A Night In

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It's 1k+ views on my first story and I hope for lots more in the future! Meanwhile, I would like to thank all my lovely readers who support me through their votes and comments and would request all of you to keep supporting me while I try to make your reading experience cherishable. <3


Disclaimer: All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as a work of fiction.


Please do follow, vote & comment your honest views on this chapter. It would motivate me a lot! <3

Vivek's POV -

After our usual not so 'peaceful' dinner, I found Smriti surprisingly relaxed around my family. This somehow brings me peace too.

When Dadu had called me to ask about Smriti's whereabouts, I won't lie, my heart was literally in my mouth. I had dropped Smriti safely to her house and, according to me, she should have been there probably relaxing with her family, but I was wrong.

I immediately took a u-turn to go back towards Smriti's house. At that time, I had covered a pretty long distance away from her house. On my way back to her house, I saw a pretty empty park and, to my luck, I actually found her there bawling her eyes out.

The relief I got on seeing her safe and sound there can't be explained in words. But to ensure that she did not risk her safety ever again, I tried to put some sense in her head, but time can only tell whether she understood my point or not.Since she didn't want to go to her house, the only option I was left with was to take her to my house.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that Smriti shares a very strained relationship with her family, but I know my limits. I'm not going to go into depth till she doesn't want to share anything with me.

"Bhabhi, will you stay here tonight? Also, before you answer, I'm not going to take a no for an answer." My little sister almost pleaded to Smriti and Smriti instead gave me a hesitant look as if asking me whether she could stay here.

"No one dares to say no to Amu, Smriti." I passed an assuring smile towards Smriti, which she gladly accepted. Amrita and Rohit jumped like kids excited to bunk school.

"Amu is a nice nickname." Smriti smiled at Amu. I too smiled at the praise for the nickname I chose got.

"Credits to Vicky Bhaiyya dearest." She raised her eyebrows to me in playfulness and I could suddenly feel a certain 'amused Smriti's' eyes on me.

"Vicky?" Smriti asked with a hint of amusement in her voice. I could not help the slight red hue forming on my neck and ears.

"Yes! And I'm Ro." Rohit grinned. I don't understand his excitement about making his nickname known to the world.

"Now the plan is to go to our entertainment room and chill there for the whole night watching movies, playing games and what not." Amrita stated dreamily.

"Ae, who will go to the office tomorrow then, dumbo." Rohit hit her head, trying to remind her about the hectic day that all of us have ahead of us.

"But we definitely can spend sometime there Bhabhi." Ro again grinned at Smriti. What is with this toothy grin that's not ready to leave his ugly face?

"I said the same thing." Amrita screamed back in his ears. Well deserved.

"No you did not and stop screaming in my ears." He too screamed back at her.

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