19. Healing Together

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Disclaimer: All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation, and is written as a work of fiction.


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(Warning: Early Update😉)

Smriti's POV -

"Let's go home!" Vivek broke the silence that had soaked us in it.

"No." I whimpered, remembering the events of last night that had resulted in my misery.

"Smriti isn't my home, yours too?" Vivek speaks softly.

I move slightly away from his embrace to look up into his eyes, only to swim into the depths of emotions they hold. I am tempted to nod in agreement with him, but suddenly the memory of certain decisions I had taken for myself last night comes rushing back to me.

"We can't marry." I blurt out, looking away from his deep almond-shaped eyes.

"What did you say?" He asks as if he is blown out of his wits.

I choose to answer his question with my silence.

"Smriti." He calls my name in sheer disappointment.

"I had already taken this decision for myself last night, Vivek." I am still not able to make any eye contact with him, and I think I may never be able to make one with him ever in my life now.

"What do you mean by 'I had already taken this decision for myself last night'? Are you the only one involved in this? Is my life not in question with respect to your decision?" He gives me a reality check without raising his voice by even a single decibel.

True to Vivek's words, I had completely forgotten that this decision is bound to affect both of our lives. But isn't the harm to the reputation of our families that this marriage would bring be much greater than the harm of breaking it? I think aloud.

"I don't see any harm in our marriage, Smriti." He cups my face, forcing me to look at him.

"I am not going to go back to my house after yesterday. They might as well disown me in front of the whole world. And how can I live in your house without being married to you? In fact, even if we consider our marriage, there is no one now who would wed me to you. I have no family now who would willingly do my 'Kanyadaan'." A fat tear once again rolls down my right cheek. Vivek silently rubs the tear away with his thumb.

"And and we are, as it is, constantly under the scrutiny of the media. Plus, you have become the talk of the town after your recent innovation. I am only going to be a big black dot on both the family's name and reputation." I sob.

"I have never cared for what others think about me, and that is certainly not going to change now after 27 years of my existence. And you should know that you are already a matter of pride for my family, Smriti, and I can see their hearts swell with pride and love on having the opportunity to welcome you on the doorstep of my house after our marriage. My family will be more happy to be associated with the bride than the groom. That I can guarantee you." He smiles.

Will you not give them the opportunity to welcome you after our marriage? Will you not grace them with your love and warmth along with your endearing presence? Hmm, will you? He asks me with the utmost love that I have ever seen anyone's eyes hold for me.

"Be careful, I might think that you are proposing to me for marriage." I chuckle through my tears.

"So be it! Even though the mood and setting may not be to my liking and also the fact that I do not have a ring in my hand, I will never shy away from the opportunity of professing my love to you. I will seize every opportunity that I may get to let you know that you have become an important part of my life and I cannot see my future without you anymore." He indirectly professes his love for me, causing my heart to beat like a marathon runner.

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