33. Brewing Love

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Disclaimer: All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as a work of fiction.


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Vivek's POV -

It was 4 p.m., and I found myself waiting outside Smriti's college gate in my car. As I sat there, I couldn't shake off the memory of what had transpired earlier, this morning.

After dropping Smriti off at college in the morning, I witnessed a troubling scene as she made her way inside. A group of students followed closely behind her, laughing and chatting loudly about how they messed around with one of their classmates and how that incident helped them make friends with their seniors.

The sight filled me with a mix of anger and disappointment. Without much thought, I found myself stepping out of the car to confront them. The students looked at me with a mix of confusion and apprehension as I blocked their path.

"May I know the course you are admitted into?" I asked, my voice firm.

They hesitantly responded that they are students of BSc. in Product Design - which is also Smriti's course

I put my hands that were itching to rub off the smug looks on their faces, in my pants' pockets. Remembering the names Smriti had mentioned last night – Harsh, Parth, Aisha, Malini and Riya – I repeated them, causing the students to exchange nervous glances.

"How do you know us, sir? Were you there for our admission process?" One of the boys asked, his voice betraying his anxiety.

I cleared my throat, removing my sunglasses to meet their gaze directly. "I have come here to complain about these students and what a coincidence that you all happen to share your names with them.

One of the girls attempted to make a snide remark. "Com..complain? Us? Wh..what have we done?" She fumbled.

"What have you done?" I chuckle humorlessly. "You all very well know what you all have done. Don't make me remind you all." The students visibly squirmed under my stern gaze.

"I'm here to let the board of committee of this university know about you all and your seniors who have been engaging in such unacceptable behavior. You all are naive enough to not understand but bullying and harassing someone is a criminal offense, and won't be tolerated." I speak.

The students looked at each other in nervousness before one of them gathered the courage to speak again. "Wh..who are you? These blank threats won't scare us."

"You don't need to know who I am, but be rest assured that I hold enough authority to blacklist you from all the colleges in Delhi." I can't help but smirk at them. These ill-mannered bunch of rich brats had the nerves to scare someone harmless but didn't have enough guts to even speak one sentence without fumbling in front of me.

"We will do anything you say, just please don't complain about us" One of the girl cries. I look away in frustration seeing her tear- stricken face.

"Listen, you all better stay away from Smriti. If you try to mess with her again, I'll personally make sure that you all get rusticated in front of my eyes. I won't hesitate." I deadpanned. 

Their expressions turned from confusion to fear as they apologized profusely, promising to steer clear of Smriti from now on. "Leave now." I commanded, my tone leaving no room for argument.

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