12; You Don't Know What It's Like.

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Comments for another update later? Or should we meet whenever?

Shuri Special Forces, Abuja.

Having the Chief make the decision of making Inaya part of the team with, or without Aadil's agreement was something they knew was possible. And truth be told, they knew it was bound to happen.

Of course, the Alpha Team were willing to go-ahead with whatever Aadil wants and stick with him through thick or thin regardless of whatever, but they could only go so far. Not when Chief seems to truly be interested in having her work with them.

He usually allows them to make their decisions without getting involved, because he trusts their judgement. It was the first time he was piquing in, and so they all knew from the start that it wouldn't be easy to just turn him down.

They wouldn't have, if it was someone else. But, it just has to be Inaya-the one woman hell-bent on getting on their nerves. Obviously, they wouldn't welcome her with open arms.

Still, to a certain extent, you could say they were willing to accept her as a team mate-meaning just like the them all, or maybe, even less because as they believe, she isn't up to their standard.

Now, with all that in mind, try to think of how they felt the minute Chief dropped the bomb about her being a team leader-alongside Aadil Kari for that matter. Obviously, they have a lot to say.

"What?" Rukayya found herself voicing out, unable to hold herself. Her face contorted into that of disbelief, watching the Chief with a look that showed her wondering whether he's actually in his right sense to say that.

She didn't hear him wrong, right? Her ears are truly working well, right?

"You cannot be serious." Isaac was quick to chirp in, after overcoming that moment he found himself stunned. His lips parted in disbelief as well, eyes slightly dilated.

The Chief didn't respond right away, he simply maintained his gaze with them and waited for them to all pour out their disagreements before he continues. He wouldn't want to be interrupted by the insistent string of questions.

When he didn't get an answer immediately, Isaac blinked repeatedly, his lips parting. His gaze moved from the said man to the woman who hasn't moved an inch from her position. Her facials gave nothing away on what she's feeling regarding the sudden appointment.

Given, she truly wasn't expecting it. It isn't part of the agreement she has with the man. That to say doesn't mean she's exactly against it. You could say, she's more of shocked, that's all. She would need a moment to gather her thoughts though, which was what she was doing then.

When he got no reaction out of her either, he shifted his gaze alas to Aadil, who was in the same position he was earlier. The only difference being, he had quirked a brow slightly the moment those words left the man's lips-an action that has rubbed off on him from a certain someone.

It's been way too long, but he still does it subconsciously.

He didn't voice out a response as well. It was almost impossible to read his expression at the moment to know what his actual thoughts are. Still, they were curious and needed the words out loud.

"-Boss?" Isaac called out, gaining the man's attention. "What's your take on this?"

Aadil didn't answer right away. He simply tilted his head to the side slightly, his eyes never leaving that of the Chief's. "You sure about this?" His tone sounded indifferent, but they both knew what his true intake is on it.

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