Chapter 25 [pt. 2]

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Liana didn't understand what they had stumbled upon, but it must be serious. Conner's whole body had been tense since they walked into that cabin. It hadn't gotten any better on their walk back to town.

Now, they had arrived at the door to Conner's cabin. Liana had never felt the air pulse with foreboding before, but she couldn't deny that was the feeling on every wisp of wind.

"Liana." Conner stopped outside of the door, spinning to plant his hands on her shoulders. "I need to ask you a favor."

"What kind of favor?" Liana was fairly certain she would do anything he asked, no matter the cost, but she was curious what he would ask.

"Can you please stay in the cabin until I get back?" Conner swallowed, as if it went against all his better judgments to ask it of her. "Don't open the door for anyone, just stay inside no matter what. Can you do that?"

"I thought I wasn't supposed to leave your side."

"You're not. But there are... extenuating circumstances right now."

Liana tipped her head, studying Conner's anxiety as if it were her own. "Won't that defeat the purpose of all we've been doing?"

"It won't. I won't be gone long. I should be home by morning."

Liana didn't want to distress him any further. Conner had enough on his mind right now, and she didn't need to add to it.

Convinced that the only thing she could do to help him was to stay in his cabin, Liana removed her the bag from her back and held it out to him.

"I think you're going to need this in order to explain. Right?"

The despair in Conner's eyes cleared somewhat, leaving room for a glimmer of the light Liana usually saw.

"You have to promise to come back soon," Liana went on. "Because I don't like being locked up. If you stay out any longer than tomorrow evening, I can't guarantee—"

Conner's lips found hers with the force of a million butterflies evacuating a tree. The wind swirled around them, for a moment warm and inviting.

Then Conner pulled back. "I promise. I'll be back."

Liana nodded, shaking the bag in her fingers to encourage him to take it. Whatever they had encountered in the forest, it had been beyond her wildest imaginations. No doubt that Conner needed to bring it up as an emergency to the other clan members.

"Go inside and lock the door." Conner ran a hand over Liana's hair, a reassuring gesture if he had ever made one.

Liana had never felt so cherished. On impulse, she reached up on tiptoe to give Conner's cheek a quick peck. If she kissed his lips, she may never stop. Conner had important things to do, and Liana knew she must allow him the space to do them.

Knowing that she would never leave him if she looked back, Liana followed Conner's instructions to the letter. She went inside, shut the door, and locked it behind her.

Conner's anxiety weaseled its way into Liana's head, planting a niggling premonition of doom in her heart. Liana laid her head against the interior of the door and hoped with all her heart that nothing bad happened. Conner hadn't looked well when he asked her to stay home. Liana didn't have to be a genius to sense that there was more to his hesitance than a protective instinct.

As well as the physical battles that may ensue, Conner seemed to be fighting an internal struggle, as well.

Liana wanted to help him, but she knew she couldn't. According to Conner, their bond was growing. Liana wasn't sure if that meant that someone could use her to hurt Conner, but if it did that fact alone made her feel vulnerable and exposed. Liana might have resisted the bond mentally, but she didn't want anything bad to happen to Conner. She needed him, and he needed her like he needed breath. She knew that better than most.

"Please be safe," Liana muttered aloud, leaning her head forward against the closed door.

She may have pushed him away and fought their bond, but one thing Liana knew for sure. More than anything, she wanted Conner to be safe, healthy, and happy. Her father's prejudice had never biased her against Conner, because from the moment she met him, Liana knew.

Only Conner could be her perfect match. Whether her father accepted Conner or not, Liana would rather remain single forever than be with anyone else. 

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