Chapter 35

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Conner paced beside Landon's truck, his fingers drumming on his folded arms. Liana's father had said he would give them permission, but then he had asked for Conner to wait until the next morning to take Liana back to the res. Considering their past history, it didn't settle well with Conner. But he had chosen to trust.

Now, a whole sixty-three seconds after Liana said she would be out, he still hadn't seen a single hair of her. After months of waiting, sixty-three seconds felt like a lifetime.

She barely smelled like him anymore. Conner had noticed that when he wrapped her up in his arms the night prior. That was something he was going to have to remedy as soon as possible.

The door opened.

Conner spun to face it, breathing a sigh of relief when Liana stepped out into the sunny morning.

Her mother hovered, fussing over Liana's hair and making small comments about how Liana needed to take care of herself. Liana's father remained quieter, but the hostility he had exuded for all those months had settled into a sort of respectful stoicism. Conner could accept that.

Conner stepped forward to take care of the suitcase Liana had towed out of the house. Probably the rest of her things. The things that Brielle hadn't brought her. After all, at the time, Liana had never planned to stay forever. Conner was more than happy that she changed her mind.

While Conner hoisted her suitcase into the bed of Landon's truck, Liana said her goodbyes to her parents. They weren't nearly as tear-filled as Conner had expected. In fact, from what he heard, Liana was more than happy to leave her parents behind. He had to chuckle at the change in attitude. Liana had come so far these past months.

"Conner, come say goodbye," Liana insisted a little too loudly.

Conner abandoned the truck to return to his mate's side. As much as he wanted to slide his arm around her waist and pull her as close to his side as he dared, Conner didn't think her father would let them go after that. So he refrained. For now.

"You take good care of my baby girl, okay?" Liana's mother reached up and out to squeeze Conner's cheeks. "She's the only one I've got, so be good to her."

Though her actions surprised him, Conner understood the good intentions behind them. Liana's mother had already accepted him as part of the family. For good.

"Trust me, she'll have only the best," Conner assured.

Liana's father—though he might have rolled his eyes—chose not to comment on the subject. He merely gave a humph and a glare. "I have my eyes on you, remember."

"I'll remember that, sir."

Conner used his best manners not because he wanted to, but because he figured his mate would appreciate them. Anything to eliminate the possibility of Liana staying behind at her parents' house. He couldn't do that again. Ever.

"Conner probably has business to tend to on the res, so we'll get going." Liana gave a small tug on Conner's hand as she headed for the truck. "Bye, mom! Bye, dad!"

Liana was as eager to leave as Conner, it seemed. After months of not being in each other's arms, the bond must be begging her to spend time alone with Conner. He and his wolf were on their breaking point with this whole distance thing. Conner wanted Liana as close as he could get her.

But first, he had to be a gentleman.

Conner opened the passenger side door and helped Liana climb into the truck. Though her injuries were healed, he and his wolf were cautious about her safety after all that had happened. It translated into his driving, too. Conner intently focused on the road before him while traversing the highway.

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