Chapter 17

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Liana hadn't come out of the bedroom in twelve hours. Conner's wolf itched to break in and drag her out, just to make sure she was okay. It seemed like a bad idea, but then again, Conner didn't have any better ideas.

He was approximately thirty seconds from giving in and breaking down the door when Conner heard the commotion outside his house. A strangely human smell accompanied the noise. It could only mean one thing. Liana's demands had finally been met.

Conner's phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and answered without looking at it.

"She's been delivered. I can stay for two hours. After that, you're on your own getting her back."

"Thank you, Preston. You don't know what this means to me."

"Yes, I do. If I didn't, I wouldn't have bothered to interfere with the human girl. You know my father doesn't approve of the humans."

Yes. Conner knew all about Preston's tribe. The Rille were mysterious and withdrawn. Few knew what went on behind the scenes at the Rille reservation, but no humans had ventured onto Rille land and lived.

"Preston..." Conner turned for his front door. "How long ago did you drop her off at the gate?"

"A few minutes. Maybe ten?"

A vehicle couldn't get from the gate to Conner's village in ten minutes. Which meant only one thing.

"I'll call you when she's leaving." Conner shut off the phone with a growl.

This was a serious situation. Why couldn't anyone treat it as such?

Though his wolf didn't want to venture any farther away from Liana, Conner threw his front door open and stepped out.

A woman even smaller than Liana propped her arm on the handle of a suitcase. "Good lord, you're hot. I see her issue. Where's Li?"

Granted, it wasn't the reaction that Conner had anticipated, but he could roll with that punch. "Inside. The only locked door."

"Later!" Brielle threw two fingers up in a peace sign, grabbed the suitcase, and darted past Conner into the house.

Though she seemed strange, Conner sensed no danger from the tiny human. So, he turned to his subordinate instead.

Dolan, in wolf form and panting slightly from a run, ducked his head and took a step back.

"I told you to bring the human woman to me. I did not tell you to show off to her along the way. This is a very serious situation, wherein I am concerned deeply about my mate. It is no time for you to flirt with a girl."

Dolan lifted his head, then lowered it again. But she doesn't smell like any other wolf.

"I don't care about her relationship status. She is here as my guest." Conner glanced toward the nearby tree line. "Tell the others the same. You will all remain in human form until she has left the reservation."

But she...

"Stop arguing. She is a key component in making my mate trust me. If my mate leaves me after the end of these thirty days, will you take personal responsibility?"

Dolan shook his head.

"That's what I thought." Conner spun on his heel and slammed his front door shut behind himself.

Conner still didn't see what his father saw in Dolan. The boy's maturity level didn't exceed a teenager, despite his being well into his twenties now. Conner would have to bring this up to his father at the next meeting.

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