Chapter 9

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Conner closed his eyes as his fingers wrapped around the handle of the door. Why did they have to come so quickly? Couldn't he have a full hour with his mate? He didn't explain enough and she hardly smelled like him. How would the women keep her safe?

Still, he knew the traditions and he would offend everyone if he didn't follow through on them. 

He opened the door to a group of thirty or less women, almost half of them under the age of twenty. Mates were few and far between here, and it hurt his heart to see the small number before him.

A tug on his leg made him look down at the youngest in the pack. Kathryn Joy. Conner couldn't help but smile.

"Where is she?" The seven-year-old asked with a hint of whimsy in her voice.

Great. Even though he planned to say no to all of them, they outsmarted him with a cute little girl named Kat. "She's in here."

Kat's eyes went wide. "May we see her, Alpha Conner?"

He never could resist those baby blues. Besides, Kat was one of the only pure shifter children left. Her mother came from a good line of wolves, though women didn't manifest the wolf gene. Conner always had loved the little girl.

He sighed and took a step back. "Alright, come in."

The swarm of women invaded his home like ants. Conner knew it was useless to attempt to pull them from Liana, so he stayed by the door and listened carefully. He didn't want Liana in distress, and would step in if necessary.


"...look at her hair!"

"...those eyes..."

"...lips that would turn any man—"

"Ladies!" Conner used his alpha tone and the room immediately fell silent.

He knew exactly who said the last line, and wouldn't hesitate to call her out if she went down that road again. Liana wasn't ready for that kind of talk. She could barely fathom the notion of being a mate in the first place.

One by one, each woman turned to look at their future alpha. Some indignant, others curious.

Conner wove his way through their midst and settled his hands hesitantly against Liana's shoulders. "They want to take you with them to prepare for the celebration tonight."

"What celebration?" Liana's eyes went a little wide at the notion. She glanced up at him frantically. "I just got here. We're only on day one."

Her fear nearly broke Conner's heart. He didn't want her to be afraid, ever. He understood her trepidation. These people only wanted her to join in the merriment, but she didn't have any idea what was going on around her or to her.

Don't leave her! Conner's wolf whined and pressed forward in his head.

Conner closed his eyes briefly and hushed the wolf. He couldn't concentrate on the right thing to do if the wolf kept pestering him. Liana wasn't ready to deal with the wolf side, either.

"It's a traditional celebration. Any time a male finds his mate, we throw a... party of sorts." Conner wanted so badly to pull her to his chest and not let her go. He knew he would disappoint and anger the women of the tribe if he did. Either way, he lost.

For the good of the pack, his father's words came back to him.

Conner sighed. "It will all be okay. I'll see you tonight at the bonfire."

Liana didn't look too sure. In fact, she looked about ready to argue with him. Something shut her mouth though. She looked down, and in an instant Conner knew what was happening.

Kat smiled up at Liana and wrapped her arms around the woman's waist. "You're really pretty, but you know what would make you prettier?"

"Um... no?" Liana glanced at Conner, then down at the girl again. "What?"

"Flowers for your hair. Mama says I can help her with that while the other females do the other stuff."

Liana looked up at Conner again. "Other stuff? You're sure this isn't a wedding or something?"

A nervous laugh bubbled from Conner's chest. "No. They'll just do your hair and makeup, maybe a manicure." Although, he planned on having a spectacular mating ceremony in thirty day's time. Liana would agree, soon.

Liana nodded slowly and, though still skittish, let Kat take her hand and pull her away into the crowd of women.

Conner turned halfway to watch her retreat. Her blonde head disappeared in a crowd of women much taller than she. He only hoped she survived until nightfall. It was only a few hours, but he worried it might be too long.

A tall, broad woman with scraggly brown hair whisked by him. Conner caught her by her sleeve and tugged her back to him. "Hilda, if you scare her off with your ribald comments, I will never forgive you. Do you understand?"

Hilda rolled her eyes and gave her future alpha a longsuffering smile. "Understood, alpha." She blew him a kiss as she sailed out the door behind all the other women. The door shut with a final click.

Conner sighed and sank down onto his couch. He just got her, and they all whisked her away again. He wanted her close, but heaven knew where they would take her to ready her for the celebration. His fingers itched to touch her again.

A soft knock on his door startled him.

Conner groaned and leaned his head against the back of the couch. "Just come in."

His father pushed open the door and stepped into the humble abode. "They've retrieved her, I see." When he didn't get a response, he sighed and tried again. "It's been a long while since our women have had a bit of fun like this."

Conner nodded once, but his heart wasn't in it.

"Is she as lovely in person as from far away?"

That got Conner's attention. He sat up and leveled his gaze at his dad. "Because of your stupid prejudice against Bloodmoon and Rille, your single males almost stole away my mate." He and the wolf were both still sore about that one. "If you would have allowed Blade and Preston to stay with her until I got there, we wouldn't have had this issue. She wouldn't be frightened out of her mind!"

Macon gritted his teeth and shot Conner a look. "I told you, the pack comes before even mates! Without the pack, we are nothing!"

Conner jumped to his feet. "Without her, I am as good as dead!"

"Without a pack, you are dead." Macon growled softly and paced the room in typical anxious style. "You don't know the kind of guilt and shame that drowns you after you let your pack be massacred. The only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge I have to rebuild from what is left. That I have to teach you to protect them and keep them safe when I go away. Just like my father did before me."

"I already swore to take care of them, but who will take care of me if I don't have her?" Conner calmed a little, but he was still agitated. His father didn't understand, that's all. He didn't remember what it was like to have Conner's mother around.

Things had been good back then. Macon had been a doting husband and loving father. He changed after his wife's death. Conner sometimes wished they could go back.

"I love her, dad." Conner admitted softly. He didn't understand this bond between wolf and woman, but he knew he loved her more than life itself. He wanted to think of the pack first, but it was hard.

Macon reached out a hand and rested his hands on his son's shoulders. "I know it's difficult, but you have to think of your people, Conner."

Conner nodded. His father had a point. The pack needed him and shouldn't the happiness of all his people go before his own? Why was it so hard to make that decision?

"I can try, but no guarantees. My wolf is on a short leash as it is. I'm afraid he's going to take over my decision making process." Conner sighed and scrubbed his hands over his face. "It's all I can do to sit here and not go after her."

Macon jerked his head toward the open door. "Come on. This happens to most newly mated males. The men and I will keep you occupied until the bonfire."

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