Chapter 8

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Liana didn't speak with him for the entire ride. How could he do that to her? She was positive those other wolves were part of his pack. How could he humiliate her like that in front of them? So much for him actually liking her.

Most embarrassing moment of her life, but... also the most invigorating. The most...exciting. She bit her lip as her mind replayed the encounter in vivid technicolor. She wasn't supposed to feel those things for him. She was supposed to endure the thirty days and get out, not fall into the passionate embrace of a man so strong he could break her, yet so gentle he wouldn't dare.

Liana shook her head. She couldn't think on that. Not right now. Just remembering his woodsy scent and the feel of his stubbled chin had her shifting in her seat. She should focus on something else.

The village came into view and stole Liana's breath. Houses stood behind a main street with shops and windows. A bakery, a dance studio, a boutique. She smiled as they passed each one.

These shifters built a lifestyle for themselves, a piece of the vast world to hold as their own.

"Do you like it?" The shifter who retrieved her from the host of others finally spoke up. He sounded tentative, concerned.

Liana shot him a glare. "I'm not talking to you." She was still angry that he humiliated her like that before she even got to his home.

"I said I was sorry..." he pouted, but turned his attention back to the road.

Liana almost felt bad for snapping at him. Almost. He had no right to touch her like that, not yet anyway. She read over the claiming papers and he wasn't supposed to do anything like that without her permission until the thirty days were up. Then she remembered... she gave him permission. What kind of an idiot was she?

The kind who liked that way too much.

She sneaked a glance over her shoulder at him. He didn't look happy. Then again, he hadn't cracked a single smile since she met him so unceremoniously.

He wasn't bad to look at. Wavy brown hair sat cropped atop his head. Amber eyes she could get lost in. A body to die for. Seriously, if she wasn't intent on getting out of here, she would jump him. Oh, gosh... Brielle would totally be proud of that statement. That meant it probably crossed some line of decorum.

The shifter cleared his throat softly.

Only then did Liana realize she'd been staring. A blush coated her cheeks and neck as she jerked her eyes away. What is wrong with you today?

"We're home, Liana."

Liana blinked and looked up at him again. "How come you know my name but I don't know yours?" She folded her arms, still angry at him.

The shifter chuckled and reached across her to push her door open. "I thought you heard them call my name."

Liana shivered from the memory of the large wolves herding her along. At least, that's the reason she fed herself. It might have had more to do with this amber-eyed model's close proximity. She shot him a glare.

He only smirked wider as he drew back. "Conner. I'm Conner Randolph."

"Randolph?" Liana arched a brow. That wasn't exactly the kind of name she expected from a shifter. She expected more of a "the great" or "the magnificent". Not a real name.

"It's a family name." Conner shrugged and nudged her toward the truck door. "Down you go. Let's get you inside so you can freshen up."

"Freshen up for what?" Liana snapped at him as she jumped out of the truck. She didn't want to be any nearer him than absolutely necessary.

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