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Christmas rolled past and so did the new year. Our house was filled with people consistently for those few weeks we were home. Remus and Pete stayed with us for the tail end. On our last night we all sat in the living room while mum made dinner.

"Peter, how's your mother?" Dad asked, Peter smiled politely.

"She's well, thank you." Dad nodded and looked over to Remus. My head was in Moony's lap while he played with my hair.

"Lupin. I heard you kissed my daughter." Remus choked on his water. I sat up and looked over at James.

"You snitch!" He was dying of laughter, but shook his head.

"Wasn't.." He paused to try to catch his breath but just kept laughing. "Me!" I turned my attention to Sirius who just smirked.


"In all fairness sir," Remus spoke, we all turned our attention back to him. "I've kissed your son too."

"Bloody hell." James groaned, he was done laughing now it was my turn. Dad laughed and placed a hand on Moony's arm.

"If anyone is going to kiss my children, I'm glad it's you Remus." Dad smiled at him. Moony thanked him awkwardly and pulled me back into his lap. Dad walked out and left us be. James looked around for a minute before staring at me.

"Do you still have it?" He asked, I rolled my eyes.

"Dad knows, he practically gave it to me. It's in my room. Mum can't know." I replied. Remus looked between us.

"What do you two have?" He asked. I smirked up at him.

"Fire whisky." I whispered. He grinned. Sirius jumped to perch himself on the couch.

"So when?" He asked.

"After dinner, when mum and dad stay down here to regroup. We'll all go to bed, then we'll get drunk." I whispered. The boys all smiled at me.

"Merlin bless the Potters." Pete joked, I laughed and kicked at him from my couch. He leaned to dodge me from his armchair.

"You think we could do this all the time some day?" Pete asked after a long moment of silence. I looked at him confused.

"We already do Pete." Sirius joked.

"No, I mean like forever. Like one day when we're Effie and Monty's age, we'll send our own kids upstairs to do shit that we totally did at their age and we'll sit around down here and drink wine or whatever old people drink when we're old. Can we do that?"

"I'd love to get drunk with you guys for the rest of my life." I replied with a smile. Remus smiled too.

"That's what it means to be a marauder. Drink together 'till we die." Moony stated.

"Do dumb shit 'till we die." Sirius added.

"Be there for each other until we die." James nodded.

"Raise our kids together." I offered.

"Marauders 'till we die." Pete finished. We all nodded as mum called us in for dinner.


"Right, Vix. Truth or dare?" Peter asked after we'd calmed down from laughing.

"Truth." I replied as I wiped tears from laughing so hard. He thought for a moment.

"What're you and Regulus doing in the astronomy tower all the time?" He asked. The boys all oh'ed, except for Sirius. He just put his head down. I took another sip of fire whisky.

"I don't know why you're all up in arms about him, we're class partners. We study. I'd like to keep good marks so you lot can keep decent marks." I replied and took another pull.

"You don't know why we're up in arms?" James scoffed with a laugh. "He's a fuckin' Black, Nova. He's bad news. He's a pure blood, muggle hating, outright classist git. Not to mention what he's done to Sirius."

"Enough!" Sirius interjected. I placed my hand on his leg. He looked like he could cry at any moment. "You guys know nothing about Reg, maybe with the exception of Nova. He may be one of them, but he is still my brother."

Silence fell over the room. I leaned my head on Sirius' shoulder. Remus coughed after a long moment and pulled himself to his feet. He put his hand out for James. They stumbled but eventually stood up.

"I reckon it's time we all head to bed." He said. We all nodded. Remus and James filed out, Pete stopped at my door.

"I'm really sorry, guys. I didn't mean to start issues." He apologized, I gave him a soft smile and nodded. Sirius leaned back against my bed frame.

"I remember last winter." He told me, I nodded.

"He told me." I saved him the tears. He nodded.

"He was supposed to come with me, Vix. We were supposed to be safe, together, here. He's not a monster."

"I know he's not, Pads."

"He trusts you Vix. Can you keep him safe?" He was begging at this point, choking back tears. I nodded.

"I'll try darling." I replied as I stood up and pulled him with me. He collapsed into a hug the same way Regulus did mere weeks ago. I hugged him tight as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I wish I fell for you, Vix. Everything would be so much easier." He cried on my shoulder. I clutched him tighter.

"No it wouldn't Siri. We'd be chaotic and messy, it'd never be true. You're my best friend, my brother. That's all we were meant to be." I replied. He nodded and I climbed into my bed.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" He asked. I nodded.

"Of course."


I woke up the next morning to the sounds of Remus scolding James. I cuddled into Sirius in hopes he wouldn't hear. He buried his head against me while I stroked his hair. I tried my best to act as a barrier. An owl pecked at my window while I held him. He finally sat up as the yelling stopped and looked over.

"What's Reg's owl doing here?" He asked, I shrugged. He got up, opened the window and pet the beat down little creature.

"You're alright, you can stay here for a while. It's okay." He cooed. I admired him as he grabbed the letter. He read the front and looked at me.

"The Slytherin prince wants your attention." I rolled my eyes and snatched it from him.

Happy Christmas & New Year, Potter.
I know you're not incredibly magically
inclined, but could you meet me in
Hogsmead tomorrow? I have a favor.
I scoffed but smiled as Sirius read over my shoulder. He smiled at me.

"He trusts you Vix." I nodded.

"Or he just likes to bug me." I replied, trying not to let my cheeks flush and ignore the butterflies in my stomach. I pulled the smile off my face and linked my arm in Siri's, pulling him out of the room for breakfast.

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