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The boys came banging on our door bright and early the next morning, earning groans and protests from me and Marls. Lily was the one to let them in. Remus threw himself on my bed and poked at me.

"Wakey wakey Nova." He pestered, I pulled the pillow over my head and groaned again. "Prongs, I think your sister's trying to kill herself."

"She'd sooner kill you." James laughed. I threw my pillow at him.

"Why so early?" Marlene groaned. Pete smiled.

"We've got something planned." He replied.

"Follow us." Sirius chimed in. I looked at Marlene, she shook her head.

"No way, I'm going back to sleep. The bloody sun isn't even up."

"I'm not getting detention for you lot again." Lily answered, I felt four sets of eyes on me. I groaned.

"Let's go." I followed them to their dorm in an old hoodie of Sirius' and a pair of Jamie's old pajama bottoms. Remus made numerous comments about me having no clothes of my own. They opened the door and stood in front of a wall.

"Say the line, Nova." James encouraged, handing me his wand. I looked at him confused and put the wand to the wall.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good?" I said, they all beamed as the wall started to change.

Prongs, Moony, Wormtail,
Vix and Padfoot present
the Marauder's Wall
Papers and sticky notes appeared, all covered with the boys handwriting. Little notes to each other were written on each. I smiled in disbelief.

"What the hell is this?" I asked, I knew the answer.

"The prank wall." Sirius said proudly. I stepped closer and read a few.

"Cockroaches in Minnie's office? Seriously James?" I asked with a chuckle. He smiled.

"She'd kill us for that one huh?" I nodded and continued reading. I paused on an interaction between James and Sirius and laughed.

Hex Black's books so he can't read them.
He knows like every
language you twat
Make the words invisible?
Not pranking my

"This one." I finally said pointing to a pink sticky with Moony's handwriting. Puking Potion in Crouch's morning drink, it read the boys stepped forward and read it too.

"You sure?" Moony asked, I nodded.

"Start off with a bang right?" The boys nodded in agreement.


After a few hours of brewing potions and yelling at James and Sirius for trying to help when, we so clearly laid out that was not part of their job, we were ready to go to breakfast. I slipped out to get changed while the boys changed in their dorm. I walked back into my own dorm, Marlene and Lily took a moment to examine me.

"Hair up, glasses on." Marlene pointed out.

"Hair astray, while up, very interesting," Lily stepped closer. "Faintly smells of dead animals and mint."

"What'd you do, Potter?" Marlene asked, I grinned as I pulled my hair out of the bun. I grabbed my robes and slid on my skirt and quidditch sweater. I pulled on my shoes. The girls just stared at me.

"You'll see at breakfast." I replied as I opened our door. Lily and Marlene shared a glance before grabbing their stuff and following me out. Remus pulled me under his arm as we made our way to the great hall. Sirius shot me a cocky smile as he slipped me the bottle.

"Ready James?" I asked as we approached the entryway.

"Ready Nova."

"Bottoms up, Crouch." We walked over to the Slytherin table with our eyes on the prize.

"I'll distract Rosier, he sits to the left of Rosier." I said to James as I slipped him the bottle. He nodded and went around me as I tapped Rosier's shoulder.

"Potter?" He asked as he turned around to face me. I smiled.

"Rosier, I've been thinking about how you said you wanted to be friends." I peered over his shoulder to check on James. He popped the bottle and started to pour the potion.

"Right. Well Potter, I'm a great friend to have. Really, I am." I furrowed my brow.

"You tried to kill me, Evan."

"I feel as though you're a bit hung up on that really. I've apologized. Anyways, that's an example of my loyalty. You see, Barty is the one who wanted you dead, I'm just a great friend. I think we'd get on great Potter." I peered over his shoulder again while he spoke. James gave me a thumbs up as he scurried away. I nodded.

"Right, well. I'll take that into consideration Rosier." I said with a grin, he smiled. I turned around and met Regulus. He stared down at me.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

"Talking to Rosier." I replied, he looked over me, then back to me.


"He wants to be friends."

"And she's thinking about it." Evan beamed.

"Right," Regulus started before pulling me to the side. "What'd you do?"

"What'dya mean?"

"You hate Evan."

"Seems genuinely excited to be my friend."

"Darling, I can only help you if you tell me what I'm helping you with."

"And if I don't need your help?"

"I quite like you alive, as your boyfriend I feel it's my duty to keep you that way. You're at the Slytherin table and your little group is staring you down. Nova, I'll ask one more time. What the hell did you do?" He asked the last part so sternly I felt as though I was getting scolded. I bit the corner of my lip.

"There's puking potion in Crouch's drink. It's a harmless prank. Just funny." He rolled his eyes.

"You're going to be the death of me, Potter." He said with a smirk, I smiled.

"Yeah, probably," I replied as I started to step away. I turned around quickly. "Meet you in the Astronomy tower later?"

"Anytime you want darling." I ran back over to the table and sat between Sirius and Marls. Sirius wrapped an arm around me while James high-fived me. We all waited and watched. Crouch walked in and went immediately for his drink. I leaned forward and rested my head on my hands. I heard Peter giggle. Crouch took a swig and we all waited in anticipation. I saw Regulus stand up and walk over to Andromeda to avoid the vomit. Soon enough, Crouch bent over and vomited all over the floor. Our whole table erupted with laughter. Regulus looked over with a snide smirk and winked. Rosier hopped up due to the vomit on his clothes but continued to cackle as he did so. Minnie went running to the table but not before throwing us a sideways glance. I raised my eyebrows at James who just laughed and shrugged.

Minnie sent Rosier to walk Crouch to the infirmary, and gave us the look that meant we knew we were getting Saturday detention. We all hopped up and followed her to her office while we got a round of applause from the other houses. Sirius and I turned around to bow but we quickly got pulled away by Remus. The five of us walked to Minnie's office, not the slightest bit sorry for what we had done.

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