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I got a letter from mum the next day. I opened it in my room so I didn't have to share it with James just yet. I liked that about letters from mum. They were always addressed to Nova and James Potter, whereas everyone else addressed them to James and Nova Potter.

When I stopped to read the envelope I froze. This one wasn't addressed to me and James. It was addressed to me. I thought of all the possible things this letter could be about. I panicked as I slowly tore the seal.

I hope you're doing well and transitioning back easy. Sirius seems rather worried about you running around with his brother, he told me so at the house and in his most recent letter. I tell him what I always tell those boys, you are your own person and you can do whatever you damn well please. Your father raised issue with talk of.. you know.. and you being associated with that family. I think he forgets Sirius is a Black and lives under our roof. I'll tell you what I tell them, and Nova, dear, I hope you get it through your head; you have incredibly sound judgement when it comes to people, you see more than a family name or a blood status. I trust your judgement. I also know you can get blindsided in annoying your brother. Nevertheless, if you're willing to go to bat for Regulus Black, so am I. Just make sure you're not batting for the wrong team.

I love you dear,
I'm by your side, no matter what.

I sighed as I set the letter down. A little heart fluttered out of the envelope and developed into a picture dad had taken of James, Remus, Sirius, Peter and I. I grabbed the picture and set it on my bedside table. I stared at the five of us for a moment, my head in Moony's lap, his book lazily in his right hand. James and Peter on the couch with their arms around each other all while Sirius laid on the floor with his feet kicked up like a school girl. I smiled, dad liked to take pictures of us when we weren't ready for them. He said it was those kinds of memories he wanted to have when he was old and couldn't remember our names, that he wanted to see us happy and laughing. Those four had seen me through everything, but I was always missing someone who truly was my own. Bagman was too big of a coward to take me out, Prewett ran when James came near, Brown, well Brown got what he deserved. Regulus was my own. I couldn't give up now that I'd finally found someone who saw me.


"Did your mum write you?" Sirius asked as I sat beside him on the couch in the common room, I nodded.

"Alright?" Moony asked, I nodded again.

"Nova Euphemia Potter, what is wrong?" Sirius asked as he leaned closer to me. I sighed.

"I appreciate you being worried about me, and I know everything you do comes from a good place, however if you have an issue with me and who I spend my time with please raise it with me. Not my mother." I replied, I tried to stay calm. Sirius just nodded slowly before turning to Moony.

"Give us a moment, will you Moony?" He asked politely, Remus looked over at me. When I nodded he got up and walked away. "Look, Nova I meant no harm."

"I know that."

"I- well, shit. I guess I just worry about you potentially catching feelings for my brother with all the time you've been spending together. I love Reg, I do, but he doesn't know how to love properly." I nodded. He stared at me waiting for a response. "I don't want you hurt Vix."

"We're just friends. He wouldn't risk his life for a blood traitor like me anyways." I wanted to say it was a lie, but I knew the truth of this relationship. It was fun, we understood each other, but it wasn't forever. I would end up with some bloke who worked in the ministry of anyone at all, and his parents would have him married off to some woman who could very well be his cousin to protect their bloodline. I felt myself want to cry at that thought. I looked down at my lap so I didn't have to face Sirius anymore.

"You've already done it, haven't you?" He asked. I looked back at him confused. He smiled so softly at me.

"What do you mean?"

"You have feelings for him." I shook my head.

"No, that's not it."

"Vix, it's okay. He's charming, handsome, funny, witty, smart. I can see why you'd like him, he looks just like me after all." I shook my head the whole time he spoke, I had to get myself out of this.

"Sirius, I still like you." I blurted out, his mouth fell open. Why was that the first thing to come to your head, Potter? He stared at me, for the first time in my life I'd left Sirius Black speechless. He tried a few sounds before he finally conjured up words.

"I thought you were over that?"

"Yeah, me too. Guess I'm not." I replied.

"What, er, I guess I just want to know what caused this? You told me not even a month we'd crash and burn." I nodded slowly.

"I- I did say that. Mhm. You are correct, but you see I, well, honestly Siri. You know I love chaos." I replied trying not to wince at my own words. "But, you like someone so I wasn't ever going to say anything and it would kill James if we got together, really, really mess-" He cut me off by kissing me. He pulled back quickly and stared at me, I stared back.

"Oh Merlin. You do like me, you're not running to wash your mouth out or hitting me. Merlin's beard, I'm sorry Nova. I don't see you like that, you're always going to be my best mate though, yeah?"

"Yeah," I started a little impressed with myself that I didn't push him off of me in shock "Nothing changes Siri. Best mates." I got up and walked into my dorm, Marlene stared at me.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." She joked, I stared back at her. "You really shouldn't be surprised, ghosts live here Vix."

"Sirius just kissed me, and I accidentally lied to him and told him I still liked him."

"You did what?" She asked with a chuckle. I cracked a smile. "Was that loads easier than telling him you're dating his brother? Merlin, Potter you're something you know that?"

"It was apparently the only thing I could think to say when he was warning me about Reg. I didn't even think, I just said it." I defended. I wiped my mouth numerous times trying to get the feeling of him off my lips. I grabbed a water and swished it around in my mouth.

"Oh, Nova, Nova, Nova. You sure do love the Black brothers, don't you?"

"I've got to find Regulus."


"If he hears this through the grapevine, there's not a doubt in my mind he will not hesitate to kill Sirius. I've got to stop a homicide."


okay i know i said i wouldn't do these often but i've been reading all your comments and they SEND me y'all are so funny. also, just a reminder for y'all especially with the last chapter i wrote if any of y'all ever need to talk ab relapsing or current shit you'd rather just tell a stranger to get off your chest you can ALWAYS message me. i get it, trust me. okay much love <3

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