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**all the next day, one year later, 6 years later or whatever is from the beginning of this chapter. So two years later would be two years later from the dinner with Belle and Jared

The Next Day

The next morning after Shane proposed to me, and I told him that we are having a baby, he decided to come to work with me early in the morning to drop me off and to stop by his father's office. When we walk in of course Jared is sitting there typing away on his computer, probably writing some email to someone important.

"Oh hey Alex, Shane," he nods before he stops typing to look up at us. He stands and gives us both a quick hug before leaning against his own desk which is slightly similar to mine.

"So we were thinking we could come over for dinner tonight? Around seven? Is that alright? There is something Alex and I need to discuss with you all," Shane asks his father, and he wraps his arm around my waist resting it gently on my stomach.

"For sure, your mother will be excited, I'll shoot her a text, why don't you also just in case," Jared smiles widely. "What do we all need to talk about? You guys don't have anything wrong is it?"

"No, no, nothing wrong just want to catch up you know," I step in now, covering for Shane.

"Oh, I see, well this will be good then!" He claps his hands together intertwining them. "I never asked you guys! How was the trip to Mexico?"

At the end of September, Shane and I finally took our trip that we got for Christmas from his parents.

"Oh my gosh it was amazing! I loved it there," I gush leaning into Shane the slightest bit. Even though he complained a lot about how incredibly hot it was, by the time we landed back Toronto he wanted to be back in paradise.

"I bet! We'll have to talk about it over dinner! I have to get back to work, but text your mother to let her know you two are coming tonight," nodding and saying our quick goodbyes we walk a few doors down to my office that I love very much.

"So I'll pick you up from work at 4:30 cause the appointment is at five, right?" Shane clarifies one last time.

"Sounds right," I giggle as he leans down and kisses me deeply. Right after work, we decided it was a good idea to go see a doctor and get an ultrasound done, which I'm not complaining about because it has to be done sometime.

"Alright Love, I'll see you soon," he kisses my forehead quickly. "I love you,"

"I love you too," I whisper back and smiles before waving and walking out of my office closing the door softly behind him.

The smile I have on my face cannot be taken off, and frankly, it's starting to hurt a bit. We came to the conclusion that I shouldn't wear my ring to work today because we didn't want anyone to see it before the dinner tonight, so I have it in its box in my purse.

Typing in my password to my computer, I begin to open the different emails I've been sent since yesterday after I left work.

I really hope this work day goes by fast.


My shirt is slightly rolled up to just below my ribs and there is a very cold gel that is now being rubbed around my lower stomach. "So, you'll see your baby come up on the screen in a second," my head tilts to look over at the screen. "Ah, there it is, your baby," Shane's hand is squeezing mine.

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