Chapter 27- The Hot Air of Arizona

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Chapter 27

Let's just say the week was stressful, and that's putting it simply.

After waking up that night from that terrible dream, guess who calls the next day. Dad. Of course, he just wanted to let me know how mom was actually doing and surprisingly she's doing very well for how bad cancer really is, especially in her case.

Then the next couple days after that were dreadful, with many assignments being due the next day just after we started them. Soccer practices every day. Adding on to that, I've been barely sleeping. Maybe at most four hours every night.

"Alex! Guess what I just did!" Shane comes running down the stairs, singing in an excited voice.

"What?" I curiously ask my over-excited boyfriend as he sits down next to me. He fumbles with papers, before showing it to me.

"Oh my goodness! You're coming!" I jump into his lap kissing his face.

"I am! I'm on the same flights and everything!"

"I'm so excited!" I smile wide, his cheeks are slightly flushed as I bet mine are.

"We only have 3 games for sure, unless we win them all we have a fourth, in between, we're allowed to do whatever!" My smile is probably overwhelming him, I'm just so excited.

"It's going to be great," his hand soothing the odd hairs around my hairline out. Resting my head on his shoulder, his arms wrap around my torso. Breathing in his scent and smile rests on my lips. It almost seems like I can't get enough of him. He just calms me down as I get worked up.


"Alex?" A voice calls as I hear the front door close.

"Shanelle?" I yell back from the kitchen, she quickly comes in and smiles widely. She cut her hair, very short. Almost like a pixie cut, yet a little longer than that. "Oh my goodness! How have you been?"

"I've honestly been great," her smile gives it away, she is honestly happy.

"Why is that?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her suggesting something. Though the way her cheeks heat up quickly makes my teasing true.

"Alex," she mumbles slowly, looking at the ground with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah?" I answer as I continue to dry the dishes as I was before. 

"I'm pregnant," her words spill from her mouth quickly, her eyes looking anywhere but mine. 

"You're what!" I exclaim almost screaming. My eyes are wide and I nearly drop the cup I'm holding. 

"Yeah, Blake was happy," the way her cheeks are still turning a shade of pink is so cute. 

"Are you?" I ask my eyebrows furrowed, how she's explaining all of this gives me a different impression. Almost like she isn't into it. 

"Well, you know for a fact I'm not good with children. I just don't know what to think, I'm nervous. I don't want to ruin its life and be a horrible mother," her eyes are still attached to looking at the ground. "But the way Blake's eyes widened and the smile that was on his face, I had this crazy feeling,"

"Shanelle you're going to be a great mother, you don't have to worry about that," I wave my hand in the air. 

"I guess," I pull her in for a hug after I set down another cup after drying. Shanelle always told me that she was never sure if she was going to have children, she never liked the thought. She always told me that I'd be the first one to get pregnant and get married. Yet at this moment our roles seemed to have switched. 

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