Chapter 29- The Sports Interview

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Chapter 29

Getting back to the hotel was a serious struggle, although I wouldn't show it I felt as if I was going to faint at any moment. I'm just hoping that I make it to the hotel room before anything happens. Exiting the elevator the last stride to the room was horribly difficult, to say the least. Once Shane got the door to open I shuffle into the room dropping to lay on the bed immediately. I'm not sure where he went but I really need to take something to stop this, whatever I'm feeling right now is.

"Shane," I groan hoping he can hear me. Luckily I think he did because shuffling comes closer and closer before I feel the bed dip beside me.

"Yes babe," he answers happily playing with the fly away's that escaped from my ponytail.

"I feel sick," I mumble back to him. He sits up on his elbow getting a better look at me.


"When I move I feel really dizzy, and I feel the slightest bit nauseous," I explain and he stares at me for a couple seconds before kissing my forehead and getting up. When he comes back I'm glad to see that he's holding a wet face cloth and a plastic bottle of water.

"Take these, drink water and stay laying down," he instructs, He helps me sit up, as he sits down beside me. Once I take the pills and drink a bit of water after I lay back down putting the recyclable bottle on the side table.

Groaning I don't know whether to get under the blankets or just lay on top of them. Shane seems to notice me internal fight because he helps me up helping me stand before letting go and pulling the blankets off and keeping only the sheet on, putting the rest of the blankets on the floor in a pile. He pulls the sheet back waiting for me to get under.

"I'm going to need to change," I sigh as I begin to walk away from the bed he stops me.

"I'll get it," he pushes me on to the bed softly, before walking over to the top of the case before pulling out a pair of shorts and his very own white shirt.

"Can I just wear the shirt?" I question, he smiles and nods walking back over to me. I begin to take off my jersey under his watchful eyes. Once I get it off I sit there contemplating whether to take my sports bra off or not. Looking down at myself, I notice rolls around the sides my belly. "Ew, I need to get rid of those,"

"Alex everyone has them, don't put yourself down," he crosses his arms as he stands in front of me. Rolling my eyes I take off my sports bra, before standing in front of him and pulling the shorts down. I know he finds the situation funny, but he tries his best to keep a straight face. He unfolds the shirt and begins to put it over my head he leaves it around my neck making it look like an infinity scarf, he takes in the scene in front of him and begins to laugh.

"If you had something covering you, I would totally take a picture and post it everywhere," his laughs get louder. Rolling my eyes I finish slipping the shirt on and getting back into bed. "I love you," he slips off his shirt and pants getting into bed next to me, cuddling up.

"Love you too," I lay on my back looking over at him, and smile. "I hope I don't have the flu,"

"No, I think you have heat stroke," he drapes his arm across my stomach. I furrow my eyebrows thinking. I guess I was outside in the hot air that I'm not used to and then play one hundred percent of my games, only getting water at halftime and after the game. I guess it could make sense.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, playing with his fingers.

"For what?" he mumbles back to me.

"You probably wanted to go out tonight, we got away and we couldn't go out the other nights," I sigh, wishing myself that we could go out and explore the city of Phoenix together.

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