Chapter 33- The Unexpected Deep Talk

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Chapter 33

My eyes flutter open to my seat beginning to shake. Looking around, my body lurches forward at the force of the plane trying to stop. Once the plane is slowed down, it turns on to a different part of the runway. Opening the window my eyes meet a fairly dark sky of Italy. Sighing there's some beeping coming from the speakers above us, but the plane continues to move.

"Congratulations everyone, we have arrived in Rome, Italy. I hope you enjoy your stay, or if this is your home, welcome. The weather is right now eleven degrees Celsius, hope you all had a good flight, thank you for flying with us," once the flight attendant stops talking shuffling starts to happen with everyone beginning to gather their bags. "Oh and please everyone stay seated with your seat belts on, in case of any sudden turns or jolts of movements, thank you,"

Laying my head on the side of the window, trying to hold back a sigh it escapes my lips before I realize it. The man beside me looks over before he begins to speak. "Not excited to be here?" His grey hair is slicked back, and his face doesn't have too many wrinkles. His accent is also very Italian.

"Not exactly," my eyes close for a moment before reopening. "My mothers in the hospital dying," his eyes widen at my words.

"I'm very sorry to hear that," his voice is quiet just like everyone else who I've told.

"Thank you," I mumble. After that he doesn't talk, I don't blame him though. Everyone begins to get up once the seat belt sign shuts off. I just stay sitting, as people begin to file out of the plane I get up with my laptop bag and purse in hand I exit the hot plane into the air-conditioned hangar. Following the signs to go pick up my luggage, as the carousel continues to go in circles I spot my bag going over to pick it up, I get in line to go through customs. Luckily there was not a big lineup and I got through quickly without getting stopped to get my luggage checked. Walking out the doors into the open area filled with people who are waiting for their loved ones to come through the doors. Looking through the crowd my father is standing in the middle of it all searching for me also, as I walk towards him I catch his eyes and he quickly embraces me with a hug.

"Alexandra," he sighs as I hug him back.

"I'm sorry it took so long to get here," he shakes his head.

"You can't help how fast you get here," we begin to walk towards a set of doors. We cross the street going to where a bunch of cars are parked along the road. The similarities between them all are that they are all of the expensive brands or there is a driver waiting in it. When we approach a long limo it doesn't surprise me when a driver gets out and takes my suitcase away from me putting it in the trunk of the long expensive car, then quickly opening the door for my father and I.

"Of course you couldn't drive yourself here," I shake my head as I get comfortable placing my laptop bag and purse beside me.

"I'm a mess right now, and I don't drive myself around unless it's late at night and I need to go out," he sighs settling in his own seat across from me. The car is moving and as I look out the window its dark out with many moving cars around us, which are all driving fairly crazy.

"How is she doing?" I ask rather abruptly. I need to know, I'm here I'm going to find out anyway.

"Not good," his hands run over his face multiple times before resting on his lap. He takes a deep breath and looks out the window. "They told me maybe a week, but now the way things are happening they told me a couple days," tears freshly flow into my eyes. Sick feeling sets into my stomach, a feeling that won't move at all. "She asks the nurses every chance she gets to see if you're here, and every time they say no, she gets sad and says I just want to see my baby,"

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