Chapter 31- The Failure

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Chapter 31

Shane's Point Of View

My head moves faster than I thought possible as I hear something loudly hit the floor. She went to answer her phone that wouldn't stop ringing. My feet before I realize it as I start to see my love begin to wobble, she begins to trip over her feet.

"Alex!" I yell as she starts to fall backward, my hands hold her waist lowering her down slowly. I sit down and lift her body, so her head is resting upward on my shoulder. "Alex, baby wake up," panic begins to set in. What happened? "Mom, can you get a cold face cloth?" She scurries, doing as told. Hold her hand in mine I grab her phone off the floor, the call is still going, and by the caller ID, it says it's her father.

"Anyone there? Alex?" A voice comes from the phone.

"Hi its Shane, what happened?" I ask worry in my voice, Alex has never done this before and worry is really setting in now. Mom comes down and dabs her face lightly.

"Shane, it's Carrie, things are going bad," by the way his voice slightly trembles make realize why Alex is now in my arms unconscious. "She isn't going to last much longer, maybe a week if that, she's not allowed to leave the hospital,"

Looking down at my girlfriend in my arms, my heart aches for her. She begins to grumble incoherently in my arms. "Can we call you back? She fainted," he quickly complies as we both hang up. Mom is still dabbing around her face, tears falling down her face. I'm not sure why though, does she know about her family? A squeeze on my hand shoots me out of my thoughts and makes me face Alex. Her eyes are full of confusion.

"What happened?" I hear a small voice ask, I don't bother to turn to see who it is I already know it's Marcus. Mom puts the cloth on my leg and gets up and explains to him that he should stay upstairs.

"Shane," Alex mumbles below me, kissing her forehead, I hug her tightly.

"It's okay, you're okay," I give her a small smile, her small hand runs down my jaw.

"Where are we?"

"We're at my mom's, we'll be going home soon," I promise her, she looks around, hand still clamped to mine. It's as if she remembers everything that has ever happened in her lifetime, look at her the expressions changed drastically in under a few seconds. Her sobbing is loud and I know she can't hold it back, I don't blame her she has been through too much. Alex's body is trembling against me as if she was cold.

"It's all because of me," she cries over and over again. Her tear stained face is resting on my shoulder, my arms are wrapped tightly all around her. Mom walks back into the room with confusion in her eyes. My eyes are even welling up with tears. I absolutely hate when she cries this much. Fixing her in my arms, I stand and bring her the living room. Putting her down on the couch, I ask mom to sit with her while I get Marcus' and Chelsea's car seats out of the car. She quickly does as I asked and gently runs her hand up and down her back, her head falls and makes soft contact with my mother's shoulder.

Exiting the front door I open the Range Rover, getting the car seats out as fast as possible. Getting back inside I drop both of the seats next to the front closet making my way back to the living room. When I walk in Alex is still crying hysterically, moms eyes wide and worried. I get on my knees in front of her and she looks up, making complete eye contact with her tsunami eyes. "We're going to get going, okay," she nods, agreeing easily. Taking both of her hands in my own, I help her fragile body up, she leans against me her cries slowing down. My arm wraps around her waist tightly, walking slowly with her to the front door. she slips her small shoes and waits for me to tie my own. Mom goes and hugs her tightly telling her that it's going to be alright. Taking my hand in hers, mom follows us to the truck, I open the door for Alex she quickly gets in. Before closing the door I give her a small peck on the lips.

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