Chapter 6 Meeting the other Commanders

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I was in my room after Knockout dropped me off and got back to work. Breakdown decided to bring me back to my room since he said that there were other bots that wanted to 'meet' me, whatever that means. He also said that he would bring my motorcycle back to the flight deck and make sure it's secure. I was thankful for that and wondered who wanted to see me.

Then the door opened, revealing Starscream and two other mechs and a femme. I recognized one of them as Dreadwing, but the other two I was not aware of and from the looks of it, they weren't happy to see me.

"Explain to me why we have to meet the fleshling? It doesn't look so tough to me." She smirks and I keep a neutral face but speak Vosian to Starscream.

'Are these the other Commanders, you told me about?'

Starscream and some of the other soldiers told me about a few other commanders that were on the ship but were told to not go near me by Megatron's orders. It surprised me much that Megatron did that, but I just brushed it off and ignored it. That is, until now, they were right in front of me, and I was very happy Megatron told them not to go near me.

'Yes, Lord Megatron thought it was right to introduce you to the other commanders.' I nod and they all look at me and Starscream, suspiciously.

The femme then spoke up saying, "So, what can you do, human?"

"Well, I can hack, snipe, can patch a bot, and a couple of other things. What do you have in mind?" She smirked and picked me up by my leather jacket, leaving Starscream's room and walking with me and the mechs behind her. Starscream took me from her grasp, and he was following her.

"Where are we going, Star?"

"I am not sure, but Lord Megatron did ask for them to get to know you. Which is weird since he wants you to know the crew now." I nodded and the femme led us to the flight deck, which I found even more suspicious.

"Now, let's see how well you can survive against a predacon."

"A preda- what now?!?!" The femme grabbed me from Starscream's grasp as the other two grabbed Starscream's arms and held him tight.

"L-let Go!!" He tried to get out of their grip but failed as they hit him hard on the helm, knocking him out cold. I was getting nervous, realizing that these bots didn't like Star or me and were trying to get rid of me. I then heard a roar and when I turned around, I saw a giant dragon-like bot walking towards me, looking hungry.

'Oh, come on, of all things to be eaten by- wait, what am I thinking? It eats Energon, I just need to show it who is in charge.' I thought and stood my ground, and it came charging towards me.

"STOP!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, and it stopped when I shouted at it and roared loud at me. I wanted to run, but knew that I was being tested, so I held out my knife and waved it at the predacon, trying to scare him. It stopped moving and looked at the reflective light shining on the ship and tried to catch it but failed. I moved my knife, and it followed it, trying to catch the small light.

"Predacon, this behavior is illogical, attack the human." The one eyed mech said and I decided that he should get a little payback. I aimed the light at the cyclops and the predacon launched itself at him, trying to grab the light.

I chuckled a bit and aimed the light at the spider femme as well, which she tried to attack me, but that ended as well as anyone expected, with the predacon jumping on her to get to the light.

I then heard the door open to see Knockout, Breakdown, Soundwave, and Lord Megatron all looking furious at the bots. Knockout tended to Starscream while Breakdown, Soundwave, and Lord Megatron were 'talking' with the other three bots.

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