Chapter 10 Bargaining

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Optimus POV

I was watching the children as they answered, very briefly, questions about what the girl said. They were all quiet, glancing at their feet, not saying a word or answering any of our questions. I knew they would try to talk to the girl, but I didn't expect that this girl would be able to silence all of them, including Miko, the loudest one. Agent Fowler and Nurse Darby tried to talk to the children, but to no avail. Until Miko spoke up, coming towards me.

"Why don't you guys trust us?" This took me back by surprise, we truly did trust the humans, so why are they doubting this now?

"Miko, we have trusted from the very beginning. What makes you doubt our trust in you all?"

"Where are our insignias? If you truly trusted us then why aren't we doing more for you guys?!?!" She started shouting and the other children came up next to her.

"Miko is right, we have done everything to help, but receive no recognition for our efforts." Jack spoke up and I was surprised that they were regarding the insignia. I talked about giving them all one, but dismissed it as not wanting them being a part of our war.

"While you all have contributed much to the Autobots, this is our war, one that shouldn't have children involved in it."

Raf then said, "Optimus, Bumblebee is the youngest one out of all of you here. The real reason is because you all don't trust us. We have done everything to help you and all we want is some recognition, is that so hard to ask for?"

I was shocked by all of this, I didn't realize that they all felt this way. I was about to speak, but Jack just held up his hand and said, "You know what, save it. Ratchet, can you open a groundbridge for us, we aren't wanted here."

Ratchet looked at me and I nodded, to which he opened the groundbridge and they all walked through, with Nurse Darby following them.

Before they walked through Jack turned to look at me. "She also gave her name, Enigma." He turned around and continued to walk through the groundbridge until they had reached their destination.

When they all left, Agent Fowler came up to me, also looking concerned. "Agent Fowler, do we know anything about Enigma?"

"Besides a name and the empty folder, nothing. So far, we know that she can get into peoples heads, manipulate, and oh, did I forget to mention she is a Decepticon!" He sighed and continued. "She is going into federal custody, as well as Starscream. All Decepticons are enemies of the state and are to be treated as such." Just then a transmission came through and Ratchet answered it.

"Where are they!?!?" Came the voice which I knew all too well, Megatron. He appeared on screen along with Soundwave right behind him.

"Where are my Commanders!" Megatron screamed and I stood near the monitor, not showing any emotions.

"They are here and will remain here until further notice Megatron." He glared at me, but calmed down and stepped back, revealing the children and Nurse Darby, all in cylinders. They all looked at us, very afraid of what would happen.

"Let them go, Megatron. They have done nothing wrong and aren't involved in this war." Megatron just laughed at my statement. "Really? From what I have gathered they have helped you during almost every mission. Tell me, does that sound like they aren't a part of our war?" I glared at Megatron, but my focus was on the children and how I failed to protect them.

"Let's make a deal, Prime: My Commanders, for your 'children and nurse's' life. Meet at the coordinates being sent, oh and if there are any injuries on either of them, expect the same injuries on your charges!" He cut the transmission and I saw the other look in shock and also afraid for their charges.

"Optimus we have to do the trade." Arcee said.

"Yeah, we have to explain everything." Bulkhead added.

'I agree as well with them.' Bumblebee beeped at us.

I nodded and, while Fowler was still mad, but nodded and I went to the back, along with Agent Fowler, to get Enigma and Starscream. It was quiet in the cell area and when I entered, I saw Starscream leaning against the wall, along with Enigma, who had one of his digits in Enigma's hand. She looked at me and tilted her head.

"Come to take us back?" She said with a hint of sarcasm and smirked at me. I walked into the cell and cuffed Starscream up first, who didn't speak at all, and took him out.

Agent Fowler then went in and looked at her wrists and saw no handcuffs on her. He looked wide eyed at her just as I was, clearly she was resourceful and very intelligent. She stayed quiet the entire time as Agent Fowler cuffed her again and pushed her out.

We brought them both out to the main area and everyone was on edge. Arcee changed her servo into a blaster, ready to fire at Starscream, but he was already shaking.

"What's wrong, Screamer! Afraid to lose your pathetic life!" She snarled and I just shook my head at her and she, reluctantly, deactivated her blaster. He still kept a neutral face, not showing any fear, anger, hurt, discomfort, anything.

I nodded at Ratchet and he opened the groundbridge, to which I shoved Starscream into and Fowler did the same to Enigma and Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee followed through behind us. It was a short walk through the bridge until we reached the coordinates, which was an old energon mine.

Megatron was already there along with Soundwave, Dreadwing, Knockout, Breakdown, and a dozen Vehicons. They all looked very serious and ready to fight at any moment, but Megatron held up his servo in a fist to stop them.

"You know the deal Prime, my Commanders first, then your humans!" I was surprised at how protective Megatron was of his Second-in-Command, as well as Enigma.

I have known Megatron for a long time and the only time I have seen him this protective is when he was round sparkling, even so he rarely showed this side of himself. I sighed in remembering those days and brought my full attention back to the stand off we were having.

I looked towards Arcee and nodded, to which she shoved Starscream, hard, away from us and he walked back to Megatron. Once he was there, Knockout, Breakdown, Soundwave, and Dreadwing stepped forward and harshly set down the containers and waited for Enigma.

Agent Fowler had a strong grip on her, but pushed her forward and she jumped into Soundwave's servo, but not before glaring at us. They all walked back and a groundbridge opened behind them and they all walked back through the portal, with Knockout and Breakdown helping Starscream, and Dreadwing and Soundwave talking with Enigma.

Megatron kept glaring at us as the Vehicons all ran back through the portal, only Megatron stayed behind. "A word of advice Optimus, harm Enigma or any of my other officers again, and you will see how tamed I have been throughout the centuries with my anger!"

He growled and walked back through the portal, not looking back at me or the others. When the portal closed I was left in my own thoughts, Megatron cared about someone for a change and not power. I heard Ratchet through our comms.

'Optimus, are the children safe?'

'Yes Ratchet, they are safe and unharmed.'

'Thank the Allspark. What happened and why weren't you attacked?'

'It appears Megatron is very protective of Enigma and his Commanders now.'

'Impossible, Megatron never cares for anyone, but himself and power!'

'For now, it is best to head back to the base so we can discuss this more.'

I turned off my comm and looked back at the children, who all were hugging their guardians and apologizing for their actions. I smiled and a groundbridge opened and we all walked in, but I still wondered something: could Megatron's actions and Starscream's hidden emotion be because of Enigma? Could they possibly care for her more than a soldier, but as a friend, even companion?

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