Chapter 21 A Second Chance

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Enigma POV

Nothing... that is all I saw and felt after the Energon crystal blew up. I felt pain at first, but now... all I felt was peaceful. For the first time in my life, I felt no fear, no anger, no hate.

I then heard someone calling me, but I didn't know who it was or if they were even calling me. All I knew is that there was someone near me, trying to wake me up.

I didn't want to wake up, I felt so peaceful, but I forced myself to open my eyes a bit. When I opened them, I saw white clouds everywhere, like I was levitating.

"Come now child, your time is not up yet." A voice said and I opened my eyes more and more, feeling myself rise on my feet. I didn't even realize I was walking, until I saw myself floating, flying? I don't know, but I kept flying close to someone.

I stopped and when I looked up, I saw a ginormous Cybertronian, and not as tall as Megatron or Optimus, but even taller than both of them. I could tell it was a mech and he looked old, like ancient. He had a long metal beard that almost touched the white clouds, he had light blue optics, and his body was silver and blue colored.

The mech looked down at me and smiled, a genuine one, but I didn't know how to react because my thoughts were so jumbled up. I tried to concentrate, to remember everything about how I got here and why I was here, but I couldn't remember anything, not even my own name.

How I remembered what a Cybertronian must've been important, right? I am not even sure at this point, but this Cybertronian could possibly tell I was confused, so he started to speak to me.

"I know you are confused my child, but fear not, your journey still has a long way to go." The stranger said and he continued. "You have suffered through much and I wish I could've been there for you, but the universe has other plans for you."

He lifted his hand and a light came from it and hit me, engulfing me in it as I felt myself change. "With my blessing, you will be given your birthright, my child. With it, you will be given power unlike any Cybertronian has ever been blessed with."

The light stopped and I still looked the same, but on the inside, I felt... different. I looked back up at the stranger, still confused because I still don't know who I am or what my purpose is.

"Don't worry my child, your memories will return and you will know your purpose in time. For now, I will teach you to harness your abilities." He began to walk away and I tried to speak, but no words came out of my mouth. The stranger turned around and saw me try to speak and said, "You cannot speak here, but I can hear your thoughts. As for who I am... I will tell you when the time is right, just trust me for now, my child."

I was still very confused at this mech, but felt like he was trying to help me. So, I nodded and followed him and we began to walk towards the light. Who knows what will happen to me, but for now, I follow the light with the mysterious mech, into the unknown.

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