Chapter 19 Hurt

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Enigma's POV

A couple days have passed since I found my armor was destroyed and I was now working day and night to get my armor back. I pulled multiple all nighters and worked in my forge, as well as my computers to code all of my data back into the armor. I was working non-stop, that I was told to go to an Energon mine, just to keep me from overworking.

Right now, I was with Knockout and Breakdown, talking about my armor and about my studies. "So, how much longer do you have on your armor?" Knockout said and I said, "I'm not sure, I have so much corrupted data to go through, it might take even longer than I thought."

I sighed and realized how tired I was from all of the work I was doing, as well as my finals coming up. "Perhaps it's best if you don't push yourself too much, you need rest and to focus on your tests coming up." Breakdown said and I couldn't argue with him on that.

For the rest of the day, we were just mining Energon and before I knew it, the mine was fully mined and all crystals were being loaded onto the Nemesis. I was on Breakdown's shoulder as the three of us continued to talk, that is until we heard blaster fire.

I looked through the woods and saw multiple blaster fires aimed at us. "Autobots! Everyone get through the portal!" I screamed and everyone ran through the portal, but somehow the portal closed, leaving me, Knockout, Breakdown, and a dozen Vehicons left and we all started battling. Well, I had to hide just so I wouldn't get in the way and I hated it.

I ran into the cave to take cover, but heard blaster fire aim towards me and when I looked back, I saw an energy blast coming right for me. I dodged, but felt my left arm get hit and for the first time in a long time, I let out a piercing scream.

Falling onto the ground of the cave, I quickly got up and hid behind a rock and looked at my body. I was covered in dirt and had multiple cuts and bruises on my face, arms, and legs. I looked at my arm and I began to panic when I couldn't feel anything in my left arm and called the Nemesis in panic.

'Enigma to base, please respond!' I called and immediately heard Soundwave pick-up.

'Enigma: status.'

'Autobots are firing on us and they blasted my arm. I can't feel anything in it and we need help!' I screamed and felt my trine pick up on my worry, trying to speak, but I couldn't speak due to my panic.

'Aid: coming right now!' Soundwave spoke quickly and ended the call as I connected with the trine. They all were asking what was going on, so I filled them in and they all immediately dropped what they were doing and were flying to the mine.

I soon felt dizzy and had to sit down to reserve my energy, but felt extremely weak... and that's when I saw it. A huge energon crystal across from me, in its raw state as well. Which was extremely bad for me because in just a few moments, all of my bones will melt with the close contact.

I ran to the front entrance of the cave and saw something that terrified me, Optimus Prime was right in front of me, with his gun pointed at me. "O-Optimus, what are you doing? I thought you and Megatron made a deal?!?!" Megatron had told me of his deal with Optimus and I was happy with the timing, but it appears we were lied to, but why?

I looked at Optimus, but he was emotionless and just stepped back and aimed his gun inside the cave. He fired and hit the raw Energon, making it spark up and I knew it was about to explode so I tried to run, but was grabbed.

Optimus was squeezing me in his servos and I screamed, again, as I felt my ribs break and he threw me back into the cave. He then blasted above the cave and rocks fell down, blocking the entrance. I was thrown right near the crystal and opened a com-link to the ship, delivering my last message.

'G-guys, I-I'm badly injured a-and I can't make it out. I-I'm so-rry I couldn't keep my p-promise. B-before I go, t-the bot that at-tacked m-me was Op-Optimus P-Prime an-'

I heard Megatron cut me off and say, 'Enigma, don't you dare speak like this is the end, because it isn't! We are almost there, just hang on!'

'B-brother, there is an Energon crystal near me and it's about to explode... I do-n't think I'm getting o-ut any-time... soon.' I could feel myself growing more and more tired, but stayed online as I heard more and more blaster fire coming from outside. I saw the crystal glowing brighter and brighter as I said my final words.

'Please, don't change back to your old selves, continue to be a family... an-d I... will... always... be... with you... alllll.' I could hear them talking through on the other side, but my eyes closed and everything became fuzzy as I felt excruciating pain and then........................ nothing.

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