Chapter 18 Talking with my 'Brother'

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Megatron POV

After what the twins pulled last night, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Barricade, and myself wanted to surprise Enigma with us picking her up. Even after almost over a year of Enigma being on the ship, it still surprises me how I, a heartless leader of the Decepticons, got so attached to a human that I call her my sister.

She always helps around the ship with her work, as well as the entire crew, not to mention she brought back some of my best warriors, and always sets her needs aside for others. I am truly thanking Primus for her being with us, and that she is a part of our family.

The more I thought about it, she acted just like Orion Pax, before he became a Prime and leader of the Autobots. An intelligent and smart being, but also caring and compassionate to those around her. Over time, I started calling her my sister and to my surprise, she called me her brother.

When I asked her why she called me that, all she said was, 'I always saw you as one ever since the 'assassination' incident. Since then, it has grown and while we may be two separate species, I hope you feel the same way.'

What she said touched my Spark that day and ever since then, I always try to spend time with her, even if her mates are unhappy. We would talk about my days of battling in the arena and when I started my political campaign on Cybertron. She was always fascinated when I talked about Cybertron or what it was like.

I always told myself that one day, I would show her what Cybertron was like, back in its former glory, perhaps that day would come soon. The Autobots haven't been fighting much and have kept their distance from us. I am still being cautious and alert, but to also allow my troops to rest, Primus knows they all need it.

Right now, I am waiting with Barricade, Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp since they all wanted to see her. Also just in case something was about to happen to Enigma, they wanted to be there.

I heard a bell ring and saw students running outside to head home, eventually I saw Enigma, but saw her with the Autobots charges, talking to them.

I was about to intervene, but Starscream stopped me. "Master, it would be best to not engage unless something 'harmful' will happen to her."

I look back at him, clearly confused since she was hanging out with the enemy, but Skywarp said, "Relax, she is just talking to them. My guess is she is just sharing her experience with being a Decepticon."

"True, I am hearing some of their conversation and it is all harmless talk about the twins right now. Speaking of which, we should leave soon if we want to see their punishment... also to tell her about what they also broke." They all looked afraid to talk about it, so I just ignored it and waited for her to come to us, but she was stopped by someone.

They started to hold her and I took that as my cue to go and help. I walked up to the boy and firmly put my hand on his shoulder and firmly said, "I suggest you let go of my sister, or would you like to deal with me instead."

The boy freaked out and he, along with his friends, let go, but Barricade took all of the teens into his car and sped off. Starcream and the others, took Enigma away from them while the other children went off with their guardians.

Optimus approached me, clearly confused as to why I was at their charges school. I thought he would get defensive, but to my surprise, all he said was, "Megatron."

I raised my eyebrow at him and said, "Prime, if you think I am here for your humans-"

"I know you are here for Enigma, but why was she with Jack, Miko, and Rafael?"

"I do not know, but I think it's because she wants to talk with other teens like her."

Optimus looked confused and I elaborated. "Enigma doesn't talk to anyone other than us and your three charges seemed to be enjoying her company. It wouldn't hurt for them to talk and as long as no information is shared, then I see no harm in it."

Optimus seemed surprised at what I said, but I didn't see his face as I watched the Seekers hug her and talk to her. Optimus looked at them as well and soon I said, "They aren't harming her, or doing anything to her, just very protective as we all are. Look Prime, we may still be at war, but I find myself not wanting to put Enigma, or any of my troops through battle anymore."

Optimus seemed surprised at this and I stopped him and said, "All I'm saying is we don't fight over Energon and whoever claims it first gets it. However, if any harm comes to any of my troops or Enigma, you better pray that Primus can perform miracles."

He nodded and said, "While I also don't wish for anymore bloodshed in this war, I will respect your requests, br-"

"Don't, we are nowhere close to that Prime!" I growled at him and continued. "We haven't been brothers for a long time and won't ever be, ever! Harm my sister and you'll see how much I have restrained all these vorns!" He seemed shocked that I called Enigma my sister, but I didn't care at that point. I could tell this hurt him, but one peaceful chat doesn't make up for all the times he has tried to eradicate my spark or destruction of thousands of lives.

I glared at him as we left, not looking back at him as I made my way back to the ship, but I still thought about what Optimus was about to say. 'He was about to call me... brother? Why would he call me that?' I spoke to myself and then got an update from Barricade about the teens.

'What should I do with them?'

'Leave them in the desert and have them walk back to town.' The com-link shut off and I continued to fly to the Nemesis. I know I could've asked for a bridge, but needed time to think about today.

'Perhaps I shouldn't have said that to Optimus... No! He isn't Orion anymore! He... hasn't... been... him for a long time.' I thought and decided to not focus on that and just focus on something else, like the end of the war.

I still couldn't believe I talked about 'peace' to Optimus, but Enigma has been pestering me about trying to end the war, so I decided to give it a try. I am still surprised that Optimus actually agreed to my terms, but it felt good that I was talking about ending the war.

For a long time, all I have ever wanted was to rule Cybertron, but that morphed into wanting Optimus Prime to die. Now, it is just wanting to protect everyone a part of the Decepticon- no, a part of this family.

I eventually made my way back to the ship and to the washracks, where almost everyone was watching the twins get their punishment for their newest 'prank.' Needless to say, they got what they deserved for waking all of us up last night.

I then heard that they destroyed Enigma's armor and that got me furious, that armor was the only thing that allowed her near Energon or to protect herself. Now, with it gone,she has no protection. So I said, "As for now, all of you need to watch Enigma while she helps with mining Energon until a new suit gets built." Everyone in the washracks nodded and I saw Enigma and the three Seekers leave, all of them looking worried. Eventually, everyone else left to go back to work and it was just me, Soundwave, and his symbiotes all in here.

I turned to Soundwave and he looked upset at the twins, as for me, I was furious at them. "Care to explain your actions, you two?" The twins looked down and their fields radiated sadness and regret. I sighed and just stared at the two younglings and said, "You both realize how dangerous this is, right?" They both nodded and looked down as I continued.

"What you two did was not only irresponsible, it has made Enigma unable to do any field work until a new suit is built. How do you think she feels?" Frenzy and Rumble both looked like they were about to cry, but I heard Soundwave say, Tell Enigma: Sorry. Forgives: she will give."

They then leaped into Soundwave's arms and kept apologizing, so I decided to leave and allow them to talk with their sire. Even so, I was nervous for Enigma since I knew she would want to still work in the field, even without her armor. I walked to the bridge and thought about the situation.

Now, I was more relieved that I made that deal with Optimus and hoped he wouldn't back out of our agreement. For now, all I could do is wait and pray to Primus that the armor would be made quickly, for our sake and for those who wish harm against her. For they would never see the light of day, ever again.

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