The Boy

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You awoke in a bed way larger than your crib, you sat up looking around noticing your binky was gone, you looked around and saw it beside you you took it and put it in your mouth not really sure what to do, where did that man go, in the mask. some time passed and you started to get hungry, you whined trying to get someones attention which slowly turned into crying 

"stu what was that" you heard someone at the door "oh nothing mom" he said opening the door creeping in trying not to let her mom see you, "Stewart are you sure" 

"yes momma, i'm sure" "whats with the baby stuff" "research" 

"stu i swear if you got some one pregnant" "no momma i would never do that, its a project, byee i love you" 

he said and closed the door behind him sighing, you saw him and almost didn't recognize him, but you seemed to realize that face, when the man showed you last night

"hi, little one, how are you" he said sitting on the bed with a bag of stuff  

"okay, not a talker, just kidding i know you can't talk" he said laughing "well i never raised a kid, but i couldn't kill you, your so precious" he said admiring you "well, what is your name" he said almost expecting a response, you tilted your head looking at him 

"oh yea, well ima call you y/n, you look like a y/n" you waved your arms up and down "do you like that name, i think you do" you frowned and started whining "oh no don't cry, please my momma will get so mad if she sees you" you kept whining only getting louder 

"hey, hey, calm down, are you hungry yea" he said pulling a bottle out of a bag you smiled and crawled towards him trying to grab it "whoa now, there's nothing in here" he said taking it away and you cried again 

"no please you want it yea, but i have to put milk in it" he said grabbing you and holding you "shit, what do i do man" he said looking down at you and you looked up at him only wanting to eat 

"hey i have a friend, let me call her" he took out his phone and called someone as you sat, laying in his arms "hey Tatum" you listened to him talk only getting more impatient and started to cry again 

"no please don't cry little y/n, hey Tatum i'm putting you on speaker okay" 

"stu wen did you get a kid, stu what do you want, stu" you heard the phone say "just a minute Tatum, how do i make her stop crying" you heard the phone sigh "rock her stu" he looked down at you and held you with both arms rocking you, you stayed quiet for a little while 

"now how do i make her milk, i'm not a woman i don't know how else" he said laughing "shut up stu" "ok fine, now tell me before she cries again" he said looking at you making silly faces and you smiled at him, you seemed to feel safe in his arms, safe around him 

"do you have powder" "what" "like milk powder" "oh yea, yea," 

"measure it and pour it in the bottle, then add the amount of water it tells you" he nodded and sat you down on the bed, you sat up watching him measure stuff and pour it in the bottle, you watched him and held out your arms wanting to be held again 

"one minute, now what Tatum"  "you have to warm it" "what how" he said yelling almost "i don't know stu that's what you do"he sighed at looked over at you still wanting to be held, you looked at him, maybe he would hold you now but he didn't he took the bottle and left, he was still gone he should be back by now, you started to cry again and heard the phone talk "hey stu are you there" then stu came back in rushing in over to the phone "ok, now what i warmed it up" "fed her" "but, how" she sighed 

"hold her, then fed her" he looked over at you and you held your arms out hoping he would take you finally "are you ready, i finally got it, you can eat now" he said singing that last part, you were glad to be held again, for the feeling of safeness and finally being able to eat 

"there you go, yea it's great huh, stu is a great father" he said being proud of himself "can i go now" you heard the phone say before looking up at Stu who was feeding you 

"yes you can darling, bye i love you" he said in a sweet voice talking to the phone "bye stewie" she said and hung up "wait did you hear that" you looked up at him wondering what he was talking about

"She didn't say i love you too" he said with a  face, the bottle was empty and you pushed it away "are you done, well i don't know what to do with you now" he said still holding you and putting his finger close to your face, you looked at him then at his finger and grabbed it

"Aw you are the sweetest thing little y/n, your mine forever" you smiled at him and he gave you a hug the best he could not wanting to harm you

"Hey i have a great idea, why don't we call one of my friends and tell him about you, because i don't think i can take care of you all the time i'm not a good father, and i don't know what to do" he said rocking you and you just looked up at him and he started making silly faces and you laughed at him

He sat you on the bed and you sat up watching him grab the phone again, talking to someone

"Hey billy how are you" you listed to stu talk on the phone with a boy "yea well i have something, to tell you" you watched him talk, putting fingers in your mouth

"Well we have a baby" 

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