~Movie Night~

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This takes place in Scream 1

You were in the kitchen with Stu getting ready for a movie night

"alright what movie did you decide on Y/n" Stu said grabbing popcorn out of the microwave and you sat on the counter 

"umm, chucky first" you said and he smiled pouring the popcorn into a big bowl 

"alright that's a good one" He said grabbing lots of glass drinks out of the fridge 

Billy walked in and helped Stu, "hey Randy Sid and Tantum are here" he said and you clapped as they entered the kitchen 

"hey Stu" Tantum said as you watched her kiss Stu and Billy kiss Sidney and Randy just looked at you with desperation 

"gross huh" Randy said "yeah" you said and you both laughed 

"Randy's just jealous" Stu said and you giggled as Randy picked you up 

"hey how you doing sugar" he asked you "good" you said looking at him 

You had been friends with Randy for a while sometimes Stu would get jealous if you hung out with him for too long, Randy taught you all about the scary movie survival rules, he was a pretty good guy and a great friend 

"lets go get the movie yea" Randy said and you nodded, he carried you to the living room and set you down looking at the scary movies 

"CHUCKY" you yelled grabbing the VHS "chucky huh" he said and you nodded 

You watched Billy bring popcorn and drinks setting them on the little table in front of the couch 

Stu, Sid and Tantum followed having drinks of their own, you tried grabbing one of the glass bottles on the table but Billy stopped you 

You started to whine "Y/n dear these are not for you" Billy said and you frowned 

"but these are" Stu said handing you a juice box "yay" you said sitting on the couch, you sat on Stu's lap beside Billy, Tantum seemed to be taking all Stu's attention 

"open" you said to Stu but he was too busy messing with Tantum, "Billy" you said and he smiled at you 

"yes" "open please" you asked handing him your juice box "of course" he opened it and you sipped on it watching Stu still talk to the woman

You watched Randy start the movie and turned the lights off, you watched the movie the best you could..."watch out Y/n" Stu said and slid you beside him next to Randy and he sat Tantum in his lap

You pouted, that was your spot, you noticed Billy was cuddled up to Sid as well, this is not fair

You looked at Randy with a sad face and you laid your head on his leg with a pout and he patted your head

You watched the movie contently and didn't even get scared by the jumpscares, the only thing scarring you was that Tantum and Sid were going to take your boys 

The movie finally ended and everyone got up for refills or more popcorn and you stayed with Randy, maybe they would notice you if you didn't notice them...

You sat in Randy's lap facing him as you played pat-a-cake, Billy took notice and shrugged his shoulders but Stu didn't like it

You felt hands on your shoulders and looked back to see Stu, "hey Y/n, wanna sit with me now" he asked and you shook your head which seemed to make him mad and Stu flipped off Randy and Randy did the same back 

"what shall we watch now sugar" Randy asked you "Carrie" you said and he nodded you followed him to the VHS's and tried to find Carrie until you saw Billy 

"Hey, can we watch Halloween" Billy asked "nope Billy, little Y/n wants to watch Carrie" he said and Billy looked at Randy weird 

"Randy, what are you doing" Billy asked him and you just dug through the VHS's 

"um, putting on a scary movie" he said and Billy rolled him eyes and pointed to you 

"well someone left her alone, so i simply did your job, Billy" Randy said and you looked down sadly and ran to Randy hiding behind him 

"see" Randy said and Billy stormed off, Randy picked you up and you laid on his shoulder 

"i'm sorry, but i did put in Carrie" he said walking back to the couch 

He handed you another juice box and you watched this movie in his lap feeling better, 

The movie started and it was nice but everyone seemed so tense besides for Randy

You watched the movie as Randy told you facts throughout the movie, to be honest you enjoyed it but Billy and Stu seemed so mad....

The movie ended and everyone got their things, "By Y/n" Randy said leaving a kiss on your forehead and Stu chased him out and you giggled 

You looked back to see Billy sitting alone...sadly 

You walked over to him and he just looked at you, "Billy sad" you said and he nodded 

You hugged his leg feeling bad, "i'm sorry" you said with tears and Billy pulled you up and hugged you 

"i thought i was going to lose you to Sid" you said and he sighed "no no, never and i thought i was going to lose you to Randy" he said and you looked at him 

"really" he nodded "i love you Billy" you said laying on him as Stu ran in pouting and took you from Billy giving you a hug 

"Y/n dear are you going to leave me for Randy" he asked and you shook your head 

"never, are you going to leave for Tantum" you asked and he realized what you did 

"oh baby, never ever i love you too much" he said holding your face

"I love you Stu" you said and he hugged you spinning you around 

"i love you both" you said and they smiled~

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