-Sick Baby-

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It was late at night and Y/n was with Stu

Stu was fast asleep, that was until he was woken with loud crying and squealing

He hoped up quickly and ran to your room, and saw you up and crying loudly

Your POV 

You cried and Cried,

That was until you saw Stu run in the room,

"Oh sweetheart what's wrong baby" He says and picks you up holding you close

"No good" You say and whine

"You don't feel good?" He asks for clarification and you nod crying

He rocks you in his arm until you felt your stomach turn and you cover your mouth

"Oh shi-" Stu says and hurries to the bathroom

He sits by the toilet holding you up,

Stu was tired and exhausted, it was 2 in the morning and his hair was messy and he was in his pjs

After holding you, you felt your stomach turn but even worse,

You throw up, into the toilet and only start to cry louder

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry it'll be okay don't cry" Stu says exhausted

You cry loudly still as Stu wipes your face rubbing your back, when he calls Billy


Billy arrives shortly after Stu called him, he got medicine and crackers for you, to see him on the couch half asleep as he holds you in his lap, cartoons on the TV and blankets everywhere, your Chucky doll next to you

"Jesus Stu, is it that bad" Billy asks and you look up at Billy starting to cry again

"She won't stop crying, and throwing up" Stu groans

Billy grabs you from Stu and rocks you side to side,

"Shhh...baby look I got you good stuff, made you feel all better" He hushes you and you whimper

"Bwetter" You fuss and he chuckles before taking you to the kitchen, but you fuss and he stops

"Chwucky" you whine and he grabs the doll

He sets you on the counter your Chucky next to you,

He starts to measure the kids Ibuprofen,

He puts it in a tiny measuring cup, and holding it to your mouth,

"Come on baby, it's grape, it's not bad" Billy says

You open your mouth and he helps you drink it, as you sniffle and he hands you your sippy cup

You drink from the sippy cup and whine reaching for Billy

He picks you back up, rocking you gently and grabbing Chucky before taking you back to the living room

He saw Stu fast asleep on the couch as Bluey played on the TV,

Billy sat on the couch you in his lap and Chucky beside you both

You watched the TV show before you started to fuss, squirming and Billy could tell you were exhausted

"Hush baby just sleep" He coos and he grabs your pacifier putting it in your mouth

He stands up and holds you on one side of his body and put a blanket over you,

Rocking you as you make sounds, eventually falling asleep,

Billy sighs and hums making sure to keep you asleep

Not 30 minutes later you wake up seeing Billy and Stu asleep on the couch and you start to cry loudly again,

They both wake up and groan

Stu picks you up from Billy's lap and wipes your tears,

"Baby, what's wrong, does your tummy hurt" He asks but you only cry

Stu then feels your head and you were burning up,

"Billy she's burning up, what do we do" Stu says as he bounces you gently patting your bum

"I gave her medicine we'll just have to wait for it to kick in, but in the meantime we're going to just have to comfort her" He says as Stu bounces you

Stu then sits back on the couch and Billy sits beside him as you cry on and on

Billy switches the show and turns on teletubbies and you look at the TV as your breath hitches and you sniffle

Stu keeps rubbing your back and trying to keep you calm and Billy gets up going to the kitchen and brings back a teether hoping that the cold toy would help bring down your fever

He comes back and hands it to you,

You suck and chew on it, as you hic up and drool just a bit

Stu wipes your mouth, as you watch the show and cuddle into Stu

Billy watches you with adoration and grabs Chucky,

You look at him and reach at Chucky hugging him tightly and Stu laughs and Billy yawns

You put the teether near the dolls mouth and then let go of it and watched it fall and you start to fuss

"Oh baby you're so fussy" Billy says and takes you from Stu and hold you in his arms and pats your back

Stu hands Billy the pacifier and Billy tries to put it in your mouth but you push it away squirming and crying more

Billy stands up, and holds you before Stu hands Billy the teether and he tries to give it to you

"Here baby, come on it's okay" He says and puts it near your mouth as you grab it and chew on it

He holds you close and rubs your head, as you watch the show and make little fussy sounds but at least you weren't crying 

You chew and suck on the teether as Billy notices your not as hot, 

As you were falling asleep you drop the teether out your mouth your eyes falling, but you squirm trying not to fall asleep 

"Come on dear, just sleep you'll feel all better" Stu says as Billy rocks you and puts a pacifier in your mouth

You fall fast asleep and Billy wraps you up in a blanket and rocks you, 

Stu fell asleep watching the teletubbies and Billy fell asleep holding you in his arms, as you fever was now died down~

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