-Billy Headcannons-

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-At first he never wanted a kid

-When he got called by Stu he was ready to say no...until he saw you 

-He does his best not to be soft around Stu

-He won't let anyone else hold you 

-He felt like he was raising two kids with Stu

-You love playing with his hair but sometimes its a little greasy 

-He would always watch Coraline with you it was like a childish scary movie 

-He hates it when you and Stu play hide n seak because Stu calls it hiding from Billy and it takes him awhile to find you both

-Billy loves when he can have days when it's just you and him 

-When you stay at Billy's house you run around the house to get his attention 

-He always finds you in his sweaters

-He will be watching a TV show in his room and turn around to see you in his closet trying everything on 


-Billy is a big cuddler but hates to show his soft side around anyone 

-He has a hard time saying no to you when he takes you to the store

-Drinks Caprisun's with you

-Watches scary movies with you

-He will cover your eyes on any Gorey parts

-He try's to get you comfortable around Sidney

-Most of the time it fails because of how clingy you are 

-Loves to go clothes shopping with you and dress you up

-He can't wait till Halloween so he can take you trick or treating 

-Stu will pop out while your trick or treating and scare you both 

-Billy feels bad for you because you start crying but thinks its funny at the same time 

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