-Im sorry-

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                 Request by white-wolf1058

You sat on the couch, in Stu's lap,

Billy was at the door welcoming Sidney and Tatum

You didn't usually like them because they would always take Stu and Billy's attention

Billy came and sat down with Sidney, and she was in his lap,

Stu was next to Tatum and he wouldn't stop talking to her and you being almost ignored

You fussed and squirmed,

"Hey, calm down baby" Stu said and sat you on the ground out of his lap and you pouted and looked at Billy

He was with Sidney and all his focus was on her

You sat on the floor and started to play alone until you looked back and saw Tatum in Stu's lap and you pouted

That was your spot, and these dumb girls were taking your attention

You then fussed and grabbed one of your toys, and got up when Billy looked at you seeing you stomp over with the toy

You got over and threw the toy at Tatum

"Y/N DAMMIT DONT DO THAT" Stu yelled and you flinched when tears formed in your eyes

Billy got up and started to walk towards you,

And you got scared because he looked mad, so you got up crying loudly and started running away

"Y/N No!" Billy shouted that's when Stu grabbed his shoulder

You ran off to Stu's room and hid on the side on his bed crying and screaming loudly as you saw Stu's sweater on the floor so you grabbed it, getting the comfort from his sweater instead of him

You keep crying and wailing when Billy walks into the room and you scoot away crying only louder

"Hey, hey Y/n calm down" He says but you only scoot away crying loudly still as Billy sighs

"Come on Y/n I'm not gonna hurt you I'm sorry I yelled" He said as you hid your face in the sweater

"Come on baby come on" He says and you peak out

"I'm won't hurt I'm sorry come on, but you can't throw toys like that" He says and you start to crawl to him

He holds you tightly but you keep crying,

"Oh it's okay" he says bouncing you gently

He hold you and holds out a pacifier and you open your mouth and he puts it in calming you down a bit

When Billy takes you back out to the living room Stu looked mad and you hid your face and then Billy put you down and you tried to hide in his leg but he gently pushes you away

"Come on you need to say sorry" Billy says and you keep trying to hide your face but he only pushes you away

Uncomfortable with the whole situation you just sit on the floor and start to cry, the pacifier falling out your mouth

"Y/N! You need to say sorry" Stu demands and you look at him not understanding why he was being so mean and you look at him scared and only cry louder

Stu then realizes his anger and tries to calm down, seeing how scared you were he felt bad

"Oh.....dear I'm sorry" he says trying to get up but you run to Billy crying loudly

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair and walks up to Billy as he holds you

"Y/n I didn't mean to baby, I'm sorry" he says watching you as he holds out your pacifier

You open your mouth hesitantly and Stu puts it in

"See baby, I'm sorry" He coos fluffing your hair

He holds his arms out, and you slowly reach out to him

He holds you and bounces you,

"Do you forgive Stu, I'm so sorry" he says and you sniffle and nod, sucking on the pacifier

He hugs you and you lay your head on his shoulder sniffing

He rocks you back and forth as Billy explains the situation to the two girls,

You look at Stu and he smiles softly

You look away and at Billy, you hic up and Stu pats your back

"Hey how you feeling baby" Billy asks

You then hide your face in Stu again and Billy chuckles

"Y/n it's okay" Stu coos

"Why don't we go get you changed and you can pick the movie" he says patting your bum gently feeling you do need to be changed

You nod and Stu starts to walk to your room, setting you on the changing table

He changes you, cleaning you up and putting a new comfy diaper on and then buttoning your onesie

He picks you back up, "see baby! All better" He says and kisses your cheek

He bounces you and takes you back out to the living room

He sits on the couch Tatum next to him, but all Stu's focus was on you

As the movie played he would play with your little hands and give you toys

He gained back your trust he broke, and you happy Stu was back to well... Stu, the silly goof you knew

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