Stickers ~ Stu

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You in the living rooms of billy's house with stu in the floor while Billy and a girl were hanging out together

"y/n, look what i have" stu said pulling the backpack from behind him 

you tilted your head and looked at him scooting closer 

"STICKERS" he said pulling them out the backpack, you smiled and waved you arms up and down excited clapping your hands 

"Stu what did you do to make a kid adicted to stickers" Billy said from the couch with an arm around the girl and in the meanwhile you we grabbing the stickers from stu's hand 

"i didn't she just loves them, they came in a book one time and it was a one hit wonder" he said laughing and Billy rolled his eye's 

You took the stickers, they were sponge bob stickers, you grabbed Patrick and stuck it on your shirt looking up and stu smiling 

"aw she's the sweetest, especially with that binky" he said laughing with his tongue out 

"stu i don't see you as a father figure" the girl said 

stu scoffed and looked at her "for your information Sidney, i am a great father, right y/n" he said 

you looked at him and nodded, you looked down at you stickers and grabbed a Gary and crawled up on stu putting it on his cheek 

"aw thanks darling" he said patting the sticker, you pulled off a squidward and crawled over to billy's pulling yourself up with his knee sticking it on his leg "thanks y/n" he said patting your head

"can Sidney have one" Billy said and you shook your head "what that's not fair" you looked at her you have not seen her before so you didn't want to give her one 

You crawled back over to stu grabbing the sheet, taking a Mr.Crabs sticking it on your face then you took Sandy and stuck it on your nose 

You waved at stu trying to get his attention and he was talking to billy so you grabbed his hand shaking it "oh, yes y/n" you pointed to your stickers "those are beautiful" 

You smiled and grabbed the sheet and took all the stickers one by one sticking them everywhere on you possible until the sheet was empty 

"Stu look" Billy said pointing to you stu looked over only to see you covered in stickers 

"oh my god y/n, ALL of them" stu said in disbelief Billy and his girl laughed at you 

You smiled and hugged him and he patted your back "well guess we're gonna have to buy more" 

Kidnapped by a killer? Ghostface x baby readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang