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𝗘𝗨𝗡𝗝𝗜 𝗛𝗬𝗘𝗪𝗢𝗡, was born into a wealthy family in modern-day South Korea. She had short, brown hair, hazel colored eyes and a beauty mark just under her right eye which was covered by her round, black spectacles. Her parents were successful businesspeople who prioritized their work over their family, leaving Eunji to be raised by nannies and tutors. Despite this, Eunji excelled in academics and was a talented artist. However, she struggled with social anxiety and had difficulty making friends, but along the way, she managed to befriend a petite girl who was apart of a foreign exchange student program, Aki Haruki.

As she grew older, Eunji's parents pressured her to pursue a career in business like them, but she secretly dreamed of becoming a professional artist. One day, she mustered the courage to tell her parents about her passion, but they dismissed it as a childish whim and insisted she stick to their plans for her.

Aki and Eunji were currently at their local bookshop that sold content that varied from encyclopedias, historical literature and bibliographies to comics, romcom specials and fantasy novels. Eunji often found herself escaping from reality with the books she reads. She was a complete sucker for romantic fantasy novels that were based of cultures from past generations, we're talking way, way back to the Tang Dynasty. But today she wanted something different, she was getting tired of stories based on Asian culture, she learnt more about it in her novels than what her own history lecturer taught and her bookshelf could barely hold another book of such.

"Eunji, Pick something already! I'm sure there all as lovey-dovey as the last one you bought."
Aki said as she let out a sigh of defeat. She only tagged along to find out if a new comic was released from her favorite series, but it seems it wasn't being sold here yet. Eunji rolled her eyes at her friends antics before putting another novel back on the shelf. "I can't just pick anything when I have basically read every genre possible, nothings more annoying then a book with a similar flow. I want something I can't predict."

Aki then pondered for a bit as she tapped her finger on her chin, if she wanted to leave early she would have to help out somehow. "How about reading something based on another continent since you like the old fashioned themes?" Eunji quirked her brow as she was somewhat intrigued by her friends suggestion. "Like what exactly?"

"Umm..." Aki then hesitated before she started looking around for something, a red book covered with gold accents then caught the corner of her eye before she grabbed the book out of the shelf and read the title. "How about something European...? It seems based off the Victorian Era as well!" She exclaimed before walking over to Eunji so she could see what she was talking about. Eunji then scanned the cover for a bit with narrowed eyes before gently taking the novel from Aki's hands.

"A Tainted Heart..." Eunji read the title with the slow roll of her tongue. She has definitely read something quite similar, the only difference was the setting was probably much different but she doubted it would be any less cliché. "I don't know... I can already tell it's a 'good girl gone bad' type troupe." Aki then huffed before commenting. "Then reread your old books since you seem immune to every plot that exists. I don't know about you but that seems like a great book." Eunji then chuckled once she noticed Aki cross her arms and look towards the side, a teasing smirk on her lips as she found her wounded pride entertaining. "Don't be like that... besides, what do you know about historical literature?"

"All I know is that it can't beat any Marvel production made!" Aki said with a playful glare. "Sure, Sure..." After a brief amount of silence, Eunji then checked her smart watch for the time, '4:30... the stores about to close soon.' she says internally before letting out a defeated sigh. "I guess I have no other choice, but if this book sucks you have to pay me my money back!" Eunji said before walking to the counter to make a purchase. Aki smiled, It seemed she was closer and closer to getting home and to the comfort of her bed. "I have excellent judgement, you'll love it!"

In the end, at least one of them walked out with something from this trip. The book was being kept in a small, white plastic bag with the store's logo printed in front of it. They conversed as they walked down the street before Aki took a taxi home, leaving Eunji on her own as she walked towards the Hyewon residence, her home. It didn't take long for her to change into a more comfortable set of clothes before laying in the embrace of her bed. Her lights were off as her reading lamp was left on with the leather, red and gold cover in her hands. She read over the title and opened it as she lightly skimmed through the index. She could form some sort of idea on what to expect.

"The protagonist is the villainess... oo, I can just tell she's badly traumatized." She shivered at the thought but she also found it rather captivating. "Ok 'Sephora', let's see what you have in store for me..."

After reading a couple of chapters, she was rather captivated. The theme's and settings where completely foreign to her compared to her typical reads, a huge difference to what she was used to. But she couldn't help but want to read more, her dedication resulting to her staying up at 3 am just to avoid getting cliffhung by a chapter. She found the protagonist rather admirable well, before her drastic personality change after her mother's death but her action where... understandable. It took her almost 3 months, most of it being during summer break, before she reached the end, her eyes watering once she closed the book shut.

"Why do all the good ones have such depressing endings!?" She said with a dramatic sniffle as she rubbed her eyes. She even searched online to see if there was a second but just to realize there wasn't going to be one.

The book was about a girl with red, wavy hair and amber eyes who lived off of her mother after she was kicked out by the Duke of Silvercrest once Sephora, the protagonist, was born. She grew up to be so kind and considerate despite being equivalent to a commoner but after her mother death by the hands of the same Duke that bedded her, he killed her due to his dissatisfaction of her gaining favor from the emperor, with assistance from the empress. she fell into despair and rage as she plotted to take the life of the crown prince, the emperess' beloved and only son, just so she could feel how she felt. In the end, Sephora doesn't succeed due the female lead intervening and later on being the cause of Sephora's death, after being accused of trying to poison her. She later on died by the blade of the Crown Prince's sword, she died known as some cruel temptress.

Eunji didn't know who she hated more, the whicked Empress or the awful so called father of Sephora's, the Crown Prince wasn't innocent either. "Gosh men are so simple minded." She let out a heavy sigh before placing her book on her bookshelf with a heavy heart. She couldn't help but to sympathize Sephora, but what could she do, it was simply another story for anyone to read.

A couple weeks pass as another semester arrived. She saw Aki and immediately ran up to her and tackled her into a hug. "Woah there! Haha, what's got you so worked up?" Aki said with a chuckle. "I hate you." Aki rolled her eyes at Eunji's words. "What did I do this time?" Eunji then distanced herself from Aki's embrass and gave her a dramatic pout. "That book had me balling my eyes out at 3 am, you have horrible taste in literature." Aki then raised a brow. "Did it have a sad ending or something?"

"What gave it away?" Eunji said with nothing but sarcasm dripping of her tongue as she sighed. "I thought you liked angst?" Aki asked with her arms crossed. "I do... but that left me emotionally scarred!" Aki simply chuckled and patted her back. "You'll get over it, you always do!" Eunji couldn't help but to smile at her words. "Your right I guess..."

Time passed and their college years were finally over, Eunji was forced to pursue a career in Engineering to get her parents off her back but her passion for art still reminded, it wasn't easy with how much pressure they put on her shoulders and with Aki now back in Japan, she felt all the more miserable. Her health started to decline a bit, the more she started feeling less and less motivated to do anything. She was questioning the meaning of her life as even painting didn't bring as much joy as it used to, now that she barely had time for it.

As the days went by the more her health declined until she eventually collapsed suddenly while at work. She was immediately rushed to the hospital by one of her colleagues and stayed there for days until her soul eventually departed. The last thing she saw was the flooding of nurses entering her room.

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