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𝗜𝗧 𝗛𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗧𝗘𝗡 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗘 𝗘𝗨𝗡𝗝𝗜'𝗦 𝗣𝗔𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗚, Her consciousness remained dormant as her soul prepared itself to go to the afterlife. The weight on her eyelids lifted as she opened them little by little until her vision finally cleared. She was floating in a vast expanse of darkness, surrounded by swirling mists and glowing orbs of light. She felt weightless and disembodied, as if she had ceased to exist altogether. Was this what death truly felt like?

As she pondered, a faint light formed in the distance, growing brighter and brighter until it filled her line sight. The light enveloped her, It felt warm and alluring yet she couldn't help but to be filled with a sense of panic. Eunji felt herself being pulled towards it, as if by an invisible force. She had no idea what was happening, but she sensed that it was something important. 'What is this...' She thought as she began to close her eyes again.

Once the light fully engulfed her, she found herself standing before a strange creature that seemed to be made of pure energy. It had a humanoid shape, but its features were constantly shifting and changing, like a mirage. After a while it remained in one state, before her appeared a very tall man with long, flowy white hair and siren-shaped, cobalt blue eyes with a porcelain skin. He wore a long navy blue durumagi with gold and teal accents all over the hem and the teal sleeves cuffed with the same navy blue and gold. A gold chain tassel brooch displayed on the coat. Eunji was blown away at his beauty and was at a loss of words. She had never seen someone like this is her lifetime, well, when she was still alive. His clothing remind her of the many versions of Korean attire she has seen, being mentioned in the past as well as the books she has read.

"Greetings, Eunji Hyewon," the creature spoke, his soft, deep voice echoing in her mind. "I am a being of myth and legend, I am known by many names but most refer to me as Haechi." He says with a slight pause in his voice. "...And you, my dear, have caught my attention."

Eunji felt a jolt of fear run through her, but she forced herself to stay calm. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" she asked. He seemed to smile at this. "I have been watching you, Eunji. I have seen your struggles, your desires, your regrets. And I have come to offer you a choice."

Haechi held out his hand, and in it, Eunji saw a shimmering orb that seemed to contain an entire world within it. The world looked familiar to her, like something she had seen in a book or a dream. She remained silent as she observed, she couldn't help but to feel as shiver run down her spine. 'Is that... Kaelthia!?' Her eyes blew wide at the realization.

"This is a world similar to the one you have read about," the creature said. "A world of magic, wonder, and adventure. If you wish, I can send you there, to be reborn anew and start a new life. Or I can release you from my grasp, and allow you to move on to the afterlife."

Eunji felt a surge of excitement at the thought of a new life, a chance to start over and pursue her dreams without the burdens of her old life. But at the same time, she was hesitant. What if this was some kind of trick? What if the new life was even worse than the one she had just left behind? She took a deep breath and looked up at the creature. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Haechi said with a calm expression.

"What happens if I.. If I choose to go to this new world? Will I remember anything from my old life?" Haechi paused and seemed to consider this for a moment. "It depends on your choice... You can choose to remember everything, or you can choose to start anew, with no memories of your old life. The choice is yours, Eunji." Eunji looked back at the orb, its light beckoning to her. She thought of all the things she had left unfinished, all the things she had wished she could do differently. "I want to go," she said, her voice firm. "I want to go to this new world, and start again. But I want to remember everything.. I want to remember who I was, so I can be better in this next life."

He nodded at her request before speaking, "But be aware of this new environment, it is not as advanced as the one you have come from." And with a flicker of his energy, Eunji felt herself being pulled towards the orb. She felt a sense of weightlessness again, but this time it was different. This time, she felt a sense of hope, of anticipation, of possibility.

Eunji's heart skipped a beat. She had always wanted to live in a fantasy world like the ones she had read about in her favorite books. But could she really leave everything she had ever known behind? Her family, her friends, her life?

The being seemed to read her thoughts. "I understand your hesitation, Eunji. But think about it. This could be a chance for you to start anew. To live a life free of the pain and suffering you experienced in your previous life." Eunji thought about it for a moment. It was true, her life had not been an easy one. She had faced many hardships and struggles. But could she really leave everything behind and start over? The being seemed to sense her hesitation. "Take all the time you need. But know that this offer may not come again."

Her face slightly dropped as she was in deep thought. Should she take the chance and be reincarnated into a new world? She was a little nervous. What if this world was indeed Kaelthia, would it mean it would follow the same timeline and plot as the book? Are all the characters from the story really in there? She shook her head. The last thing she wanted to do was annoy a mythical being with all her questions, especially one so handsome yet pretty at the same time. After much contemplation, Eunji made her decision. She would take the chance and be reincarnated into a new world. It was a risk, but one she was willing to take, as Haechi said, such an opportunity might never come across her like this again.

Haechi remained silent as he observed her behavior. He raised a brow once he notice a more determined facial expression appear on her face. "Have you made your decision, Eunji?" Eunji nodded, her heart racing with excitement and anticipation. "Yes, I have... I want to be reincarnated."

The being smiled. "Very well, Eunji. I will send you to a new world, one where you can start over and live the life you always dreamed of. But remember, you are not invincible. The choices you make will have consequences, and you must be prepared to face them." Eunji nodded, ready for whatever lays ahead. With a flash of light, she disappeared, her soul hurtling towards a new world, a world full of magic and wonder, and the promise of a new beginning.

The transition from one world to what she assumed was Kaelthia was painless. She opened her eyes as she found herself laying in a meadow of flowers and lush, green grass. A gentle breeze passed as she couldn't help but to hum in satisfaction of such tranquility. She then tried to sit up but stumbled to her knees as she winced in a bit of pain. As her hands touched the ground she noticed something very odd, her hands where tiny but to big for a baby's, there were also much tanner than her original skin complexion. Her eyes blew wide as she gasped in shocked, accidentally falling on her rear with a small thud. A sudden, stronger current of wind blew by, forcing her to cover her face in order to shield her eyes.

She then noticed strands of vibrant red hair flowing in front of her face, she caught one of the strands and tugged on it lightly. "OW!" She winced before letting go, it seemed the red locks were indeed hers. She pondered for a bit before gulping in realization, looking around her to see a familiar village in the background as she stood up. There was only one possible theory to all this, the characteristics she passed currently were all to familiar.

"Did I reincarnation as... Sephora!?"

(♛ )

The Villainess Will Re-Write This Story!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ