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𝗦𝗘𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗔 𝗦𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗟𝗬 𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗦 𝗔𝗧 𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗦, silently observing the taller woman in front of her. She found familiarity in her eyes, the way her green eyes sparkled with warmth and her dark brown hair cascading down her back. The lady quirks a brow at the little one's behavior, normally Sephora would come running to hug her leg, much like what Leif did, and tell her about all the things she encountered outside with poorly pronounced words due to her age. However, she was greeted with a blank stare and a fox sitting beside her. The lady then sighs before ruffling Leif hair with a warm smile before she walking towards Sephora, crouching down so she could speak to her, face to face.

"Is something wrong sweetheart?" She asks with a soft voice as she stares at her large amber eyes, but to her dismay, she was met with silence. Sephora was frozen in place, she couldn't speak as she felt overwhelmed with emotion, the lady in front of her reminded her of someone she hasn't seen in a very long time, back when she was just a kid in the real world. Haechi then put his paw on her foot to try and catch her attention, the sudden sense of sorrow radiating from the red-head began to worry him. "Eunji? Are you alright?", He says telepathically which causes the girl in question to gulp before looking down at Haechi. She shook her head to regain composure before replying. "I'm alright, I just remembered something." Sephora then looks back at the now worried woman and Leif who was watching everything from the background. She sighs, she could feel the uneasiness and concern on everyone's faces, she felt embarrassed to be the center of attention like this. She had to think of something quick, the last thing she wants are people being suspicious of the thoughts going inside her head. Her panicked state died down once she felt a large hand reach for her own, she allows the gesture before looking back at the lady. "Haechi... Who is she in this world?" She asks, earning a telepathic sigh from the fox. "She's was a servant to Leif's mother before she was killed. She ran away with Leif when he was still a baby and went into hiding in Meadowbrook. Her name Sylvia Whitlock." Haechi concludes which took a minute for Sephora to process the information overload she just received, yet she felt like she was hundred-percent sure of it all. "Why did she run away with Leif? And why was Leif's mother killed?" She asks with a curious tone evident in her voice, Haechi simply chuckles at her curiosity.

"I thought you read this book?", "Yeah... when I was still in college!!" Sephora exclaims as mentally deadpans. Haechi smirked at her sudden attitude, gladly accepting this version of her instead of the one previously "Well then, your going to have to figure it out on your own. I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." Sephora sighs at his words, making a mental note to making Haechi follow her around instead of carrying him everywhere. "Sephora?" She then realizes she was still in the presence of others which causes her to jolt upwards. "Y-Yes?" She said as she looks up at Sylvia with a nervous grin before the latter sighed with an amused chuckle at the end. "You must be tired from your adventuring, you can barely focus dear." Sylvia said before standing back up to properly pat the young girl's head. Although Sephora was embarrassed, she greatly preferred this outcome over being interrogated so she nodded, with no hesitation, which caused Sylvia to smile warmly before picking Sephora up, yelping faintly at the sudden alleviation from the ground. "Well then, you should take a nap before your mother fetches you, I'll give your little friend here a bath while you take a nap." Sephora then wraps her arms around Sylvia's neck as she looked down at Haechi, failing to bite back a smile at the utter horror on his face. "Don't tell me your afraid of water, Haechi." Sephora teases which causes the latter to scoff. "I'm not afraid of water, I'm afraid of losing my dignity."

Sylvia started walking away from the fox and into the hallway with Leif curiously following behind, Sephora subconsciously yawned once she was set down on one of the bed's in the household. Leif observed from the door which caught Sylvia's attention before she spoke. "Do you wish to sleep as well Leif?" She asks suddenly which caught Leif off guard, him rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, simply nodding in response. Sylvia then pats the bed Sephora laid on as she signaled him to climb into the bed as well. Leif got the hint and hesitantly climbed onto the bed before getting tucked in right next to Sephora who was too tired to pay attention. Sylvia then kissed their foreheads before mumbling quietly. "I'll wake you up when your mother comes, sweet dreams Sephora, you too Leif." And with that, she closes the door allowing the two of them to sleep while she had a fox to bathe that remained at the entrance. Leif shifted around a bit to face Sephora who rested on her back, her cloak long discarded as her eyelids grew heavier. Leif couldn't help but recall the saddened look on Sephora's face earlier, he felt sad himself that he couldn't do anything to make her smile again. He then closed his eyes before mumbling a few words, gradually succumbing to deep sleep. "I'll grow up to become someone who can protect you, even from your own thoughts..."

Many hours pass as the sun finally sets in the horizon, disappearing from the sight of many observes before the moon appeared for it's evening shift. Many citizens of Esteria and its wildlife began to return to their respective homes as the nation grew quieter and quite but never dead silent. Sephora began to shift in the sheets as she groans, fatigue clearly still evident in her eyes. She looks around for the cause of her awakening as she snorted once she spotted a familiar fox laying on her covered torso, sporting a light blue ribbon around its neck, similar to the yellow ones on her head. It looks like the fox was sound asleep as Haechi curled himself up into a ball. Sephora couldn't bring herself to wake him up, gently stroking his head and giggled when he purred in response.

She then took note of her surroundings realizing that Leif was no longer beside her as the bedding was now a beige-yellow with brown, green and red embroidering at the end. The bed was now much bigger and area looked like a master bedroom but she couldn't say it was massive in size. 'Where am I now...' She was put in a rather tricky predicament, she couldn't move around due to the Haechi resting on her lap once she sat up do she had no choice but to wait for something to happen. After a while, the bedroom door opens which cause Sephora to jolt in surprise. 'Gosh I need to stop being so jumpy!' She mumbles before her focus was back on the door, her eyes blown wide once she saw a very beautiful lady walk in. She had long, vibrant red hair that reached her lower back with gorgeous tan skin that was slightly darker then the mini red-head's. The lady has sapphire blue eyes and a beauty mark on her neck, she wore a simple white night gown and has a plate of grapes in her right hand, her face lighting up significantly once she lays her eyes on Sephora's now awaken state as she closer the door behind her and heads towards the bed.

Sephora curses mentally, she had no idea who this mistress was and with Haechi fast asleep, she realizes she would have to figure it out on her own. 'Damn it Haechi, wake up already!' Her thoughts were then interrupted by the sudden dip in the bed as a plate of grapes where placed next to Sephora, the lady gently taking a hold of the fox before placing it in her lap with her fingers getting caressing the small animals fur. "Did you sleep well my mini strawberry?" The lady said with a soft and friendly voice which Sephora simply nodded at, her being put into a trance-like state as she observed the older woman. 'Mini... strawberry? Is it cause my hair is red-' Her thoughts were then interrupted by the loving stroke on her cheek, completely bewildered by the amount of genuine affection radiating from her. The lady then took a grape before holding it in front of the Sephora's mouth. "I'm sure your wide awake now, I saw you completely knocked out when I went to fetch you from Sylvia's place. How cute." She says as Sephora opens her mouth, slowly biting down on the grape.

Her cheeks turned rosy as the woman continued to speak, the warmth of her voice, the motherly love oozing from her tongue and genuine gaze she had mad her feel all warm and giddy inside. After a while, she began to space out as all the noises surrounding he slowly drowned out. 'Is this what having a loving parent feels like...' She smiles at her thoughts as she sprang out of the sheets and basically tackled her supposed mother into a tight embrace, the older woman was surprised at the sudden gesture but didn't hesitate to accept it, she held Sephora's little body tightly as she caressed the back of her head. "Is everything alright dear?" She asks, gently rocking Sephora back and forth in her arms. Sephora shook her head at her question. "N-No, I just wanted a hug." The older lady giggled finding Sephora's excuse reasonable and down right adorable, mentally squealing with joy at the cuteness overload. "That's fine, as your mother you are guaranteed an unlimited amount of hugs from my end, mini strawberry!" Sephora smiled widely, a smile so bright it could be compared to the rays of the sun, both too dangerous to look at for to long. "Do you still wish to sleep Sephora?" At the woman's question, the latter distances herself a bit so she could look up at her before responding. "Nope."

The older woman sighs, it seems she won't be getting any sleep tonight with an active four year-old still running around at nine in the evening. "Well then... atleast let mommy sleep and I'll let you play for a bit, deal?" She says as she holds out her pinky to seal the deal, Sephora looked dumbfounded as she saw how much larger the woman's hand was to hers before staring down at her chubby hand and back up to her mother's repeatedly. Nether the less, she extended her pinky, gladly complying with the woman's terms and conditions. She didn't really care about playing or even being sent to bed, heck she would even do house chores if it meant she would continue treating her like this, like an actual mother, something she didn't experience in her former life. "Deal!"

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