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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗘𝗠𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗢𝗥'𝗦 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗦𝗧 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗖𝗨𝗕𝗜𝗡𝗘, One that starts with nothing but pure and unfiltered feelings of love that ends with blood splattered walls that still seem to stain the very presence of the Imperial Palace, despite not a shade of crimson red in sight. The presence of a strong emperor is like a force of nature, commanding attention and respect wherever they go. When they enter a room, the atmosphere shifts, and all eyes turn toward them, drawn by the sheer magnitude of their authority. This is a description is one many would use to describe the current emperor of Esteria, a feared and unmoving man who rules with an iron fist, a tyrant with a gentle heart, Emperor Julius-Cassius Zephyrion. Before him were many other rulers from the same lineage, a rich history that dated back to when deities still roamed this world. Deities referred to as Aesirs, celestial beings that commanded and dictated the ways of life of many, whether biotic or abiotic. 

Legend states a bode was formed between a mortal man and an Aesir, one not of love but respect as the Aesir saw nothing but pure intentions inside the man's heart, the intention to make a name for himself and his nation. The lands of Esteria were still fairly fresh, when it was still simply a kingdom that consisted of a royal family and citizens, who all had the same rank, that they had the responsibility to watch over. It was not nearly as strong  and righteous as the empire it is today, it couldn't hold a candle to the other nations situated outside of it's borders. He wanted his kingdom to withstand the lengths of time, for his descendants to only move forward from where he stood. This single desire is what deemed him, and the rest of his bloodline to follow, worthy of a blessing. The blessing of spiritedness, one of the three Aesirs that formed the main religion of Avalon. This blessing granted those of Zephyrion blood access to a new type of ability, one that enhanced a person's strength, agility, mana capacity and manipulation.  Allowing them to have all codes of ancient practices at their disposal, mainly ones used for offensive purposes, a red core. This caused all of his descendants to posses vibrate red eyes which also verified a person's royal lineage. However, in order to maintain economic balance, only the first born of a red core user could pass this blessing on which caused the rest of their siblings to have a corrupted core, identified by a dark red dotted line around their neck and only one red eye. 

"You're Highness, the Empress is in labor!", The birth of a corrupted core user was heavily shamed upon, a symbol of a destructive fate not only those around them but themselves included, a royal bad omen. When Cassius walked towards the room where the Empress was hidden, an impassive expression was all he displayed. His strides almost heavy with stature nor daring to show how he felt, for he knew behind that door would be the new formed creation of a bad omen, a cursed child that he was completely to blame for, for his first child was not conceived by the Empress but his now deceased first concubine, Vivian Livelihood. The child in question being labeled as deceased too. He swiftly opened the door as he was greeted with the sight of Caeline holding their new born child against her chest, signs of fatigue and struggle evident in the subtle tremors of her body. Her eyes were closed as she held the baby boy, though her face did not show deep interest, her heart was full. As full as person composed of ice could be.

Cassius stood there briefly with pursed lips before forcing everyone else in the room to leave so he could be alone with his wife. As he walked up to where she and their son laid, all he could do was stare. His gaze softening at the gentle exhales of air the now sleeping child released. He couldn't bring himself to hate the sight before him, as they were a result of his own actions. He stretched his hand before delicately using his thumb to expose the child's neck, a dark red dashed line staring right back at him. He left go after painfully closing his eyes shut, as if the sight was a hard pill to swallow. "His fate is already sealed." He said with a low and breathy tone, worry etched into his tone. Caeline slowly re-opened her eyes once with her gaze set on the sleeping child against her chest. "Regardless, he is the future of the empire." She stated with a voice set in stone but as melodic as a harp. She gently rubbed the baby's back as he fidgeted slightly in his sleep, the emperor only able to stand and watch. "My beloved Casimir, what a beautiful curse you will grow up to be." 

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