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"Fine, whatever.."

Ghost was still pretty mad, if I hadn't stopped him right there he would've ended up killing Soap with his bare hands.

I wonder what triggered him so badly to react the way he did, maybe he just hates being teased by Soap or he said something that hurt him before.

Maybe he was mad because they were laughing at me and he wanted to protect me? I really don't have any clue. Our mission was only halfway finished when I realized that I've forgotten something from the start.

I had forgotten my phone charger and my headphone charger. Shit, I hope someone has a charger for their phones on here, hopefully a charger for my headphones too.

"Does any of you guys have a charger for my phone or my headphones? Maybe even both?"

Everyone nodded, only at the phone part.

"Wait, hold on.. I know how you keep forgetting your stuff so I took an extra charger for your headphones, I know it helps you cope with stress"

Soap came to the rescue, I gladly took the charger and thanked him. I charged my headphones first, then my phone just in case something will happen.

The reason why we still bring our phones with us out on the field is because if something happeneds to our walkie-talkie, we can call our emergency number to get through with everyone out on the field.

We finally arrived back in the US, holding Hassan tightly as we took him inside of our base camp. Shepherd came to meet us and take matters into his own hands. He grabbed Hassan under the arms tightly and led to into a room where he would admit shit that he has done before, that we may not know of.

I went to my dorm room, trying to forget about what happened on the helicopter. I don't think much of it but I for sure feel like shit because of it.

I put my bag on the floor next to my bed, laying down on the very hard but comfortable matress. I lay on my stomach with my face burried in the pillow, I'm so tired after that mission. I started thinking as I realized.. Ghost actually stood up for me? He's so cold hearted that he wouldn't stand up for anyone unless he actually cares.

'does he like me?'

Honestly, I'm pretty superised. He's not a person to talk to, he doesn't like being social and talk to other people. I mean, he has no choice but talk in the walkie when he's on the field but oh well..

I slowly start drifting off to sleep, still in my unifrom. It feels a bit uncomfortable but I managed to fall asleep anyway, I woke up about half an hour later to a knock on my door.

I open my eyes before answering, sitting up and answered--

"Come in"

I rub my eyes as I look up at the tall figure entering my room, I didn't expect them to enter but it happened.


I look up at him while he's walking towards me slowly, staring down at me with half soft and half angry eyes. I see him glaring, finally standing in front of me towering over me.

"Get up."

I don't want any arguments, but I chose to be dumb anyways.

"No, I'm not getting up. You don't own me, I don't have to obey you."

I glared back at him, his eyes changed expression. I see his madness in his eyes, saying that was a really bad idea.

"I swear, I will kill you with my bare hands if you don't fucking come with me Y/N!"

He grabbed my arm and forced me to come with him, grabbing it so hard I bet my blood circulation would cut off. It luckily didn't and I feel just fine, but the grip he had left a mark afterwards.

"You're hurting me, Ghost. What a nice start of us meeting, yeah?"

He glared down at me, he didn't give a single shit if he was hurting me or not, all he wanted was for me to come with him and I didn't, so he took the matters into his own hands.

"Y/N, why can't you just ever listen?!"

I heard his husky deep british voice speak to me, he usually replied with short scentences but this time he didn't.

Cold heart (SIMON GHOST RILEY x FEM!READER)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant