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I heard his husky deep british voice speak to me, he usually replied with short scentences but this time he didn't.

"Well, this is the end of me" you thought for yourself, Ghost still dragging you somewhere else. You tried breaking free from his grip, but you failed miserably.

"Let me go, you dumbass! You're hurting me, do you really wanna get fired from Task Force 141, huh?"

He had now stopped walking, but is still holding your arm tightly. He pushed you against the wall, making you fall down to the ground. It was clear he hated you, he didn't want you near him. He grabbed your collar on your shirt, he pinned you against the wall and stared into your eyes, making you squirm around.

"Listen or get beat up."

Ghost was truly mad at you for not listening to him, he was glaring intensly at you.

"What the fuck do you want from me, huh? Have I done anything to you, aye?"

He looked at you, rather suprised then angry. You could see his eyes change, now they were a mix of both suprise and anger. He didn't know you spoke back like that, the attitude you have. He hadn't heard that ever since he was on a mission about four years ago, it was from Soap. He knows where you've gotten it, or if it was Soap who got it from you.

"Why are you talking back to me? Are you trying to get yourself killed, yeah?"

He was now speaking a bit more softly, his voice still gave you butterflies that were flying around in your stomach, making you blush.

"I'm speaking back to you because you don't own me, and you probably won't kill me because you will get fired! Is that what you want? Hm?"

You were now shouting at him, his hands were turning into a ball, meaning he got angrier by every second you two spent toghether. He didn't answer you, he was just staring down at you.

"Awe, what's wrong? Are you gonna cry?"

He was now furious, he hit you in your face, breaking your nose as you start to bleed. What the fuck? Why would he do that? Do I really make him that angry? I hope not, I would have to be ready for any sort of attack he has planned.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear your annoying voice anymore."

He starts walking away, not even looking back once at you. He walked away in a pretty fast pace, but not jogging like, more like 'I am tall and I have long legs to walk with'. He was something, for sure.

You got up from the ground, making your way to the nurse at the base camp. She opened up to see your nose crooked and broken, with lots of bleeding. She took you in immedietly, taking care of you and helping you recover slow and steady.

"Y/N! What happened?! Why is your nose broken? Did someone do this to you?!"

She looks like she was freaking out, asking me lots of questions at the same time and she couldn't really understand who have done this to me or what have happened. The nurse puts her rubber gloves on as she touches my nose carefully, I wince in pain.

"I don't want to talk about it, I don't want him to get in trouble."

Even though he broke my nose, I don't want him to get in trouble. He's still a good guy deep inside, he just doesn't show you that side, due to his unkown past.

"Tell me, you know you can trust me Y/N. I'm here to help, not make things worse for you."

I sigh, looking at the nurse as I hesitate to tell the truth. I really don't know if I should tell, because if he finds out I told someone he might either be fired or he will literally end me with his bare hands.

"I just- I can't tell you.." Fuck, I can't tell on him, I don't want him to get in trouble for breaking my nose. It honestly isn't that bad, it does even hurt.. Okay, maybe a little but I'll be fine.

"Y/N, if you don't tell me I can't help you get away from whoever did this to you." She sighed, looking at you as she started putting stuff inside of your nose, holding it up in the right potion.

I really can't tell on him, I do forgive him because he was mad. He lost control over himself, and he couldn't help it.. Is it really my fault?..

Cold heart (SIMON GHOST RILEY x FEM!READER)Where stories live. Discover now