what a sight⚕️

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"What is this behavior?!" Hoseoks father yelled.

Hoseok was sitting in front of his father and beside him was Jin silently watching the interaction.

Hoseok placed his forehead in his palm and took a deep breath.

Before hoseok could start yelling back at his father the door to his office was slammed open.

Hoseoks father was startled he watched jimin send him an apologetic look for almost breaking the door.

He walked toward hoseok and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Bending down he looked at hoseok ignoring the other two in the room.

"Are you okay?" He whispered hoseok only nodded he could never take out his anger on jimin so pushing all that down he nodded for his brother.

Jimin got up and finally locked eyes with Jin who was staring at him.

"I know hoseok, and I know he wouldn't have used the dagger unless he felt threatened you are to blame equally for what has happened." Without waiting for a response jimin turned to his father.

"Could you please stop putting him in situations he doesn't wanna be in, I would like for you to remove him as a prefect I'll take his place"

Hoseok was too far gone in his head that only the last words that jimin said brought him back, startled hoseok got up from his seat bumping his chest into jimins shoulder.

He yanked the boy behind him as he used to do when they were younger hiding his baby brother to protect him.

" don't listen to what he just said I don't want to step down"

Jimin stayed quiet whenever hoseok did this jimin felt like he had no right to talk over his older brother, letting his head fall on hoseoks back while the older boy's hold got tighter around jimins wrist.

Hoseok father sighed his boys have always been like this trying to protect each other from everything and anything.

"Just apologize to Jin here and you can keep your position or else I'll have to hand it over to jimin"

Hoseok glared at his father before turning toward Jin who seemed to be having fun watching the scene play out in front of him.

Getting up from his seat Jin walked closer to hoseok.

Just like last time hoseok tried to take a step back but this time jimin was behind him.

Clearing his throat hoseok first looked at Jin with no remorse and then let out a sorry.

Jin nodded his head, turning back to the headmaster Jin gave him a small nod and turned to leave the office.

Hoseok watched him leave and his eyes darted toward the wound on jins shoulder that seemed to be burning.

Once Jin had left the room hoseok turned toward jimin who was still stuck to his back.

"Don't ever say that again" jimin nodded not wanting to argue.

"Boys please, just behave" their father sighed.

"Jin is an asset to this university"

Hoseok looked at his father to say something but jimin spoke "You promised to try"

Turning toward jimin, hoseok brought jimins hand between them both and sighed "I'm sorry I'll try harder I promise"

Jimin looked at hoseok and nodded his head "Please don't break this one too"

Hoseok shook his head.

"Ah my two babies" their father spoke as he wiped away fake tears the action made jimin laugh.

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