Sleep well ⚕️

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The second time Hoseok wakes up it's less panic induced. The boy opens his eyes and comes face to face with a naked chest.

Hoseok pulls away and lifts his gaze only to find Jin already staring back at him.

His ear burns hot at the stare but he clears his throat.

"A shower should be a good idea," Seokjin says.

Hoseok nods his head, pulling his arm away from Seokjin to let the man get up.

Seokjin gets up and Hoseok lies watching the man stretch.

Wrapping the covers around him hoseok was about to close his eyes. Thinking of just laying there while Seokjin took a shower.

But the older had other plans. Hoseok let out a surprised yelp as he was lifted off of the bed.

Wrapping his arms around Seokjin's neck to avoid falling, hoseok looked at the vampire.

"What are you doing?" He asked but the only response he got was Seokjin walking into the bathroom.

'Oh, he meant together' Hoseok thought.


Yoongi yawned as he tried not to fall forward into his book.

Hoseok was nowhere to be found for the last week and Yoongi had been alone.

Staring at his book trying to focus a sudden thought came to mind 'I haven't seen the ring leader either'

Yoongi shook his head trying to eliminate any thoughts of Seokjin and Hoseok being away together.

Yoongi scoffed at his thought, hoseok would rather kill the man than be anywhere near him.

Forcing himself to focus yoongi decided he would go to hoseoks room again tonight and see if the man was back from wherever he had disappeared.

A day into not fiding Hoseok, yoongi had panicked and went running to the headmaster but the man only told him that Hoseok had been sent away by him for a few errands and would be back soon.

Yoongi sighed in relief when he heard that and went back to his room.

Jimin had come running to him asking him the same question and the boy had wrapped his arms around the frantic boy and told him what the headmaster had said.

Jimin had calmed down but he looked skeptical.

Yet he had pushed the conversation away once Yoongi kissed him.

Yoongi made his way toward Hoseok's room and knocked on it like he did every day since Hoseok had gone running errands.

'Yh?' When Yoongi finally heard a voice he opened the door with such force that it hit the back of the wall.

"Geez yoongi!" Hoseok yelled

"Sorry," Yoongi mumbled but ran to Hoseok and engulfed him in a hug.

"You okay?" Hoseok asked sudden panic rising, at Yoongi's behaviour.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay," Yoongi said pulling away and once he pulled away he lightly punched Hoseok and mumbled " Where the hell have you been"

Hoseok scratched his head and was about to say something when Yoongi spoke again.

"What kinda fucking errands take a week?"

"Huh?" Hoseok let out confused.

"Your dad told me, you went running errands for him"

" oh.. yh" he agreed, he had to pay a visit to his father, how did he come up with such a lame excuse?

" my bad I was rushed and didn't have time to tell you or Jimin, speaking of which is he okay?"

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