Mission: Retriev Ring

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Kassidy's pov

I groaned as the sun shone directly into my eyes, waking me up from my deep slumber. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, feeling the soreness in my muscles from yesterday's training. I knew I had to get up and start my day, so I dragged myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up.
I made my way to the specialist training area, feeling a sense of excitement and nervousness. I knew today's training would be intense, but I needed to become a skilled fighter.

First, I worked on my hand-to-hand combat skills with my trainer. We went through a series of drills and techniques, focusing on speed and agility. I could feel my muscles burning, but I pushed through the pain and kept going.
Next, I moved on to target practice with arrows and daggers. I focused on my aim and precision, trying to hit the bullseye every time. It was challenging, but I could feel myself improving with every shot.
Finally, it was time for sword fighting against my peers. This was always the most intense part of the training, as we were all competing against each other to become the best fighter. I could feel my heart racing as I faced off against my opponent, but I kept my focus and used the techniques I had learned to gain the upper hand.

Silva's pov

I was impressed with Kassidy's dedication and hard work during her training. She was always the first one to arrive at the specialist training area, putting in countless hours to improve her skills.

During her hand-to-hand combat training, I could see her focus and determination as she worked on her techniques. She was always eager to learn and improve, and she never gave up, even when the training was tough.
When it came to targeting practice with arrows and daggers, Kassidy was a natural. Her aim was impeccable, and she was always willing to help her peers improve their skills as well.
During sword fighting against her peers, Kassidy was a force to be reckoned with. She was strategic and calculated in her movements, she made it a goal to be at Sky's level if not higher.
Always looking for an opening to strike. She was a fierce competitor, but she also showed sportsmanship and respect towards her opponents.

Overall, I was proud of Kassidy's progress and growth as a warrior. She had come a long way since the beginning of her training, and I knew that she had the potential to become one of the best fighters in Alfea.

Kassidy pov

I took a break from my training and hung out with Sky and Riven watching a first-year get his ass handed to him by Kat.

The match came to an end when Riven called out to Kat.
"Sweep the leg," I tried to hide my laugh by hiding my face in my arm.
"Could you be 50% less of a dick," Sky asked.
"Then I would be 50% less fun, ain't that right Kass," Riven replied, nudging me with his elbow.
"No comment," I answered. I could see a sustained light fairy from afar.
"Remember, what a lost cause you were last year, A sprained ankle and two black eyes on your first day," Sky recalled.
"What do you want, a reward? isn't my friendship enough," Riven spoke.
"It is," was all Sky said before he made his way to Stella.
"I bet he's lecturing himself as he walks to her," I let out a sigh as I walked away from Riven and made my way to the cafeteria to get some lunch.

As I walked towards the cafeteria, I spotted my new friends Musa and Aisha getting their lunch. I smiled and walked over to join their conversation.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" I asked as I grabbed my own from the cafeteria.
"Could be better if it wasn't so crowded," Musa replied. "We were just talking about the vessel. How 'bout you?"
"Training was tough, but I feel like I made some progress," I replied, taking a plate of food.
Aisha nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. I'm a swimmer."

We continued chatting about my training and their vessel assignment. It was nice to take a break from the intensity of the training and just hang out with my new friends. They were nice and maybe it's because I was a fairy thing but I knew that I could count on them to have my back.

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