What I Wouldn't Do

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Kassidy pov

Silva informed me that Sky and I had to keep an eye on Bloom and get the information that the faculty wanted and everything will be okay. Sky had it harder than me, but that was because he has feelings for Bloom, I didn't feel comfortable with it either but it was an order.
No one has heard from Stella, and her socials were also untouched and gave me red flags.

The training regimen changed as the threat of burned ones grew, Specialists teamed up with the fairies to fight simulations of the burned ones.
Silva wanted to put me to the test, sending me to do a simulation alone.
I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the challenge.
I stood in the center, of course making sure I could see each path the burned one could come from, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I knew that the Burned One could appear from anywhere. I had to be careful and stay alert.
It Finally made an appearance. The burned one came towards me, snarling and ready to attack. I drew my daggers and sent them flying toward the simulation, controlling the blades to send the monster back to give me extra time.
The burned one was quick to pull out the daggers but I was faster. I used my magic to send every blade I had besides my sword at the burned one, puncturing it multiple times, and keeping control of the blades. I searched for the creature's weak point and finally destroyed it.
You could hear the screams of the creature and then nothing, the simulation was over and what used to be a monster was now a clear diamond that dropped on the floor along with my weapons.
I breathed a sigh of relief, I couldn't help but feel proud of myself.

"Very impressive Kassidy, 4 minutes and 40 seconds a new record, and by yourself non the less," Professor Harvey complimented.

"Thank you, I'll be off. I need to talk to Silva," I smiled, strapping my dagger back into the belt, and ran off.

I jogged to Silva who was watching students fright one another, and giving out pointers to those who needed them.

"I completed your task and made a solo record, 4 minutes 40 seconds, but I think I overused my magic. I'm tired and I've been training since 7.00 am and I'm exhausted," I said, standing beside him.

"Your father would be proud of you, Kass, take the rest of the day off, recharge," Silva said, with a smile patting my back.

My dorm was empty and flopped on my bed, I could feel my muscles ache. I lay on my bed and opened up my phone.

*Bloom's acting weird,
one moment she wants
answers the next it's like
She doesn't care we think
Bloom is trying to talk to
⚔️ Kass ⚔️
*I'll keep an eye on her,
keep me updated so I know
the situation, see you tomorrow*
*See ya, and nice job
with the simulation today*

I know Bloom is going through new things, with being a changeling and being raised in the first world. I understand that she's looking for answers but the question is, how far is Bloom willing to go?
I flipped off the light in the room and I instantly passed out.

I woke up in the morning and I felt like I slept on rocks. It was 6.00 am and I knew not to mean people would be awake so I changed into my long sleeve swimsuit and went to the pond, taking a page from Aisha's book.
I stood at the edge of the combat platform that reached over the pond and jumped in, the water was cold but I swam around and felt relief through my joints.
I didn't stay in the water for long, once I got back to the dorm I had a shower and got dressed. I knew it would be back to training today so I decided target practice was enough for today.

"You like your daggers, huh, Kass," Riven spoke up.

"Well, they helped me take down that simulation yesterday," I replied.

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