A Nice Distraction

141 4 1

Kassidy pov

It's been a rough day so being in a corner of the library by myself is quite relaxing, to say the least, given the fact that my thoughts are in a constant state of worry.
Silva got hurt by a Burned One, and I can't help but worry about him. He's put up with this act to hide his pain but I can see through it, and I hate to see him in pain.
I hope the battalion can find and kill it before it's too late. And then there's the fact that I exposed my "magic" in front of all the fairies and specialists. Now I have to deal with that.
These thoughts keep running through my head, and I can't shake them off. On top of that, I'm dealing with my feelings for Sam. He's been on my mind a lot lately, and I can't seem to get him out of my head. But I don't know if he feels the same way about me. It's all so confusing, and I don't know what to do. With everything going on.

I got up from my corner and made my way out of the library and through the corridors I got to the cafeteria and got some lunch, I picked the table around the back where there weren't many people. I began to eat my food when I began to hear whispers about me. I decided it was best to just go see Aisha and sit in her office and away from prying eyes.
Is this what Bloom felt like when everyone found out she was a changeling? I now know her suffering.
I thought before knocking on the door.

"Hey, it's me, can I eat my lunch here? People just keep looking at me," I explained.
"Yeah no problem, just don't make a mess. I have a system in the works," Aisha replied.
"I see, and how's it working for you," I asked.
"Well I tried to convince Dowling to digitize the files again, and she just looked at me as if I was speaking gibberish," Aisha told me, I replied with a slight laugh.
"What can you do~. Dowling's old school," I added.
"You're not wrong, but it would make my life easier," Aisha grumbled.
"Yeah, I know, but hey things could change, I should head off and leave you too, text me if you need anything, bye," I said, collecting my things and leaving.
"Bye, Kass," Aisha replied as I closed the door behind me.

I made my way to the nearest rubbish bin, disposed of my food scraps and trash, and threw away my disposable cutlery and plate.
Then I rummaged through my tiny bag finding my mints and popping one into my mouth.
Before making my way to the greenhouse to see if Silva was there by any chance, I made a quick stop to grab two juices for Silva and me before I continued to walk through the main hall to get to the greenhouse.
I opened the door a bit to have a quick gaze into the room full of plants and science equipment, but there was no sign of Silva. I decided to go to explore the greenhouse as I didn't spend much time there although it seems more peaceful than the library.
I saw these light yellow flowers with an orange that I thought looked similar to a start.

"Whatcha, doing," A suddenly spoke from behind me.
"Oh, uh. Nothing. Just um, looking around… what are you doing here Sam?" I asked, trying to play off the small fright he gave me.
"I'm always here, and if I didn't know any better I'd say, you're here looking for someone," Sam deducted, pointing at the extra juice bottle in my hand.
"I was originally here to see if Silva was here, but he's not, then I got distracted by all the flowers and decided to have a look around, I don't come here often," I replied.
"Well then, I feel inclined to give you a tour," Sam smiled.
"I'll take you up on that offer… One day," I teased.
"Um, could you tell me what this flower is," I asked, pointing out the flower I had just looked at?
"That is a Hemerocallis or more commonly known as a hybrid Daylily, and I think that it's a fitting flower for a girl who is both a Specialist and Fairy. Don't you?" Sam finished this with a question, plucking one of the many Lilies from its stem and handing it to me.
"Do you use that trick on all the girls that come here," I questioned with a smile, taking the flower.
"No. But did it work? Because that smile alone seems to answer my question," Sam flirted back, I just replied with a small chuckle.
"Anyway, if you're not busy at the moment, would you like to join me for a walk, perhaps we could get to know one another better. Well, I would like to know more about you." Sam began to ramble.
"I would like that, here," I said, holding out my extra drink to Sam.
"It's not like Silva's here to drink it," I added.
"Thanks, now. Shall we be off," Sam said in an old-fashioned tone.
"Lead the way, kind sir," I replied in the same tone.

Sam and I walked around the school grounds talking about our favourite classes and what we like to do in our spare time. There were many jokes. We decided to take a break from walking and sat on some grass.

"How is it that we both grew up in Alfea and never crossed paths? It's bizarre I met Terra before you and still had no clue who you were," I mention.
"Oh no, we have crossed paths before many times," Sam claimed.
"Is that so, and when were these moments reminded me," I asked, with a questioning look.
"I used to patch you up when you got hurt training, it seems that you got hit one too many times to remember, but bumping into me seemed to do the trick huh," Sam answered with a laugh.
"I think I would remember if a really hot guy tended to my injuries," I didn't realise what I said until after I'd said it.
"Ah~ so you think I'm hot, huh?" Sam smirked, nagging my shoulder.
"Oh yeah, just the hottest guy ever," I said sarcastically.
"Oh well I do try, thank you," Sam joked.
"Hey, Sam," I said, with a small sigh.
"Yeah, Kassie," Sam replied.
"Thank you for hanging out with me, I really enjoyed this," I smiled, putting my head on his shoulder.
"No problem, I had a good time too," Sam replied, wrapping an arm around me.

Sam and I were like that for a while. There was a nice silence between us. It felt like time was standing still, I knew I had a thing for Sam but this just confirmed that I liked Sam without any second thoughts.

"Would you, um, like to maybe hang out like this again sometime," I asked, feeling my heart quicken waiting for a reply.
"I'm a text away… or a wall away, that was a bad pun, I'm sorry for that," Sam replied with a bit of embarrassment, while I let out a small laugh under my breath.
"It got late pretty fast huh. We should get going," I let out a sigh, looking at the time on my phone and getting off the ground Sam did the same.
"Would you like me to walk you to your dorm," Sam asked.
"If you'd like but you really don't have to," I answered.
"Let's go. You led the way this time," Sam smiled, holding out his hand.
"Alright but try to keep up," I said, running off into the detection of the school.
"That is so not fear," Sam called.
"Meet you in the main hall yeah, first one there wins," I shouted out.

I ran to the main hall of Alfea and noticed that Sam had disappeared from my line of sight, it was darker than before and I began to worry. I felt a sudden presence as if someone was behind me.

"Boo," Sam spooked, causing me to jump.
"Sam! What the hell," I said, punching his arm while he laughed.
"I win, now what is my reward," Sam claimed, with a smirk.
"What makes you think you won, I got here first and you~ were nowhere to be seen. We also never agreed on a reward for winning," I said confidently, Sam leaned toward me with a grin.
"What proof do you have that suggests that I didn't win because I do remember getting here first or did you not see me pass you?" Sam questioned, moving away from me.
"Alright, then cheater," I mumbled, crossing my arms.
"Your words wounded me, Darling," Sam spoke dramatically, holding his hand over his heart. I felt butterflies after hearing him call me darling.
"Shouldn't you be taking me to my dorm," I reminded Sam.
"I will, just after I get my reward," Sam smirked.
"And again I'll remind you, We never mentioned anything about a reward," I said.
"I already know what I want, if you'll listen to my request," Sam asked.
"Hmm, I don't think cheaters should get a prize, but go on," I sighed.
"I would like to request for my 'Reward from winning' to give you a tour of the greenhouse, tomorrow," Sam said.
"If I were to agree, what time would it be," I asked, trying to hold back my smile.
"7:00, just you and me, if you were to say yes," Sam pointed out.
"7:00 it is, now let's go already it's getting cold," I said, bringing my arms closer to my chest.

I felt a sudden weight on my shoulders and looked to see a jacket drape over my arms.

"This way you stay warm and I have an excuse to talk to you," Sam said with a smile.
"Thank you, now to finally get me to my dorm," I added.
"Why the rush, want to get away from me that badly," Sam questioned.
"No, just lack of sleep," I answered, walking in the direction of my dorm room.
"Why is that?" Sam asked.
"With Silva being infected, I've been thinking about the burned one who attacked him… it's just been stressful," I replied.
"That would do it. I don't know how I would react if my father was attacked by a burned one," Sam spoke with sympathy.
"It's alright though, the battalion is tracking it so soon it will all be fine," I sighed.
"And are you," Sam said.
"Am I what?" I asked, stopping just outside my door.
"Are you fine, with all that's going on," Sam questioned.
"Ask me tomorrow, here," I said handing Sam his jacket.
"Keep it safe for me, until tomorrow," Sam smiled walking away from me.

I didn't know what to say or if I should say anything at all, even if I could come up with a response it was too late, Sam had already phased through a wall.
I opened my door and changed out of my clothes into my pyjamas and put Sam's jacket on my desk chair, finally jumping into bed, finishing the day and going to sleep.

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