Green House Date

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Kassidy pov

As I stood in front of my mirror fixing up my hair and putting my lipgloss on and checking that there was nothing wrong with my outfit, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. I saw the clock on my desk and saw my date with Sam, was only minutes away, and the butterflies in my stomach were threatening to take over.

I heard a knock on my door and gave myself one last check then quickly grabbed Sam's jacket from my desk chair and held it in my arms.

"Wow... you look stunning," Sam spoke up as I closed the door behind me. 

"Thank you, you pretty good yourself, and here's your jacket back," I replied, holding the jacket out toward him. 

"How about you return it to me later on tonight, you don't seem to have a jacket on you, come," Sam said, holding out his hand for me, and then made our way to the Greenhouse.

Sam opened the door to the conservatory it was lit up by garden lights and the moon in the night sky, I couldn't help but admire the view of the mixture of plants that had the yellow shine from the lights.

"Now if you follow me this way you will see some common succulents, Terra loves these things low maintenance," Sam commented, showing me one of the potted plants.

"Yeah, I remember Terra gave me one for my birthday last year it's back home but it's one of my favorites for sure," I replied, poking the little succulent.

I then noticed a science table that looked like it was being used, but no one else was there.

"What's was going on here?" I asked, walked over to the table to take a closer look.

"Before I came to pick you up, I was making more members for Silva, and in case someone else gets infected, my dad asked me to so that was what I've been doing for most of the day," Sam answered, leaning against the table next to me, I couldn't help but hug him, I usually have my emotions under control but the situation with Silva and the Burned ones it's been getting to me.

"Thank you, Sam, for helping," I spoke into his chest, I felt his arms pulling me in closer.

"No need to thank me, darling," Sam spoke softly in my ear, then placed a kiss on my head.

"Would you like to continue our little tour or do you want me to take you back to your room," Sam asked, rubbing my back.

"I'm feeling tired and sorry we couldn't enjoy this more but Sam this is lovely, and this place is so beautiful at night, I can see why you are in here so often," I said softly looking up at him as we walked towards the exit.

"It's beautiful sure~ but seeing your reaction is even more so because you can't replicate that smile or that look of awe in your eyes just minutes ago, you Kassidy are a different kind of beauty," Sam said, standing in front holding my chin up to look at him.

"You are something else, Sam Harvey," I replied, as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down into a kiss.

"Yes well I think we should go somewhere else before we get caught," Sam said, as he took hold of my hand walking fast to get back to my room.

I knew that I didn't want to let Sam go as we got closer to my room, but it was like time just flew by.

"Here we are, I hope you had a good time darling," Sam said, opening my door for me.

"Thanks and I did, really," I replied, I knew if I wanted Sam to stay I had to do something.

I then pulled on his shirt dragged him into my room quickly kicked the door behind us and kissed him, and he kissed back harder I took off the jacket and wrapped my arms around him, and Sam tapped my leg and jumped up as he held me up.

"Don't go please," I spoke softly, pressing my forehead against his.

"If that's what you want them I won't darling," Sam replies in the same soft tone.

I tap on Sam's shoulder to put me down and he did, I held his hand guiding him to my bed we laid down, Sam pulled in as I placed my head on his chest, he rubbed my back and spoke soft sweet nothings in my ear until I fell asleep.

"Good night darling, I love you" Sam uttered.

AN - sorry this took so long but it's here now 😁

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