Vol.16 Ch.36: The Evolution of Luke's Memes

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As Luke stepped toward the intimidating opponent in front of him, thoughts of the past continued to circulate in the back of his mind.

Honestly, I doubt Kai alone could've reinvented the club. It's all thanks to Yuel and Lars. They gave Stratus second wind. Like, we're getting carried HARD by these pros.

With Yuel and Lars on the team, Stratus had a real chance to make it big on the competitive stage! But, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, at least not for Luke. On the contrary, this development put him on the spot.

Suddenly, I became the "villain" of the club. Luke shook his head. I became that guy who is "too lazy" because I don't train 24/7, and somehow I'm the one who "drags the team down" because I meme. Like bruh, I literally used to be one of the most serious players in the old Stratus, what gives?

In a blink of an eye, everything about the club changed. Now, Luke's dedication to the game suddenly didn't live up to the new standard.

I mean, I knew I wasn't tryharding, but that was the whole point. I was memeing because I didn't wanna be a sweaty tryhard, but I did put some decent effort into my memes.

That was the haven Luke created for himself. It was supposed to be his personal resort, where he'll heal all the wounds from all that tryharding he did in the soccer club.

But then, Yuel busted into this comfy space and set it on fire. It was real hard for Luke to acclimate to that sudden change.

For a while, Luke insisted on cutting club practice short so he could continue living his daily routine as before. In response, Yuel and Kai called him all sorts of names and subjected him to a lot of criticism. It was such a pain in the ass.

Heh, little did these fuckos know that I actually continued practicing at home on my own! Haha, goteem!

Luke was merely trying to maintain the routine that he started the year before. After club time, he was studying and practicing spicy memes. Step by step, he was getting closer to becoming the Meme God!

Well, I admit there were some days on which I skipped practice and then just slacced. Luke only admitted that to himself. Heck, at first, I was so spent every day that I didn't have the energy to do anything else at home. Yuel's training regime be brutal.

It was real hard to suddenly adjust to that extreme menu Yuel whipped out. Dude was treating the club like they were on par with the Leopards or something. It was hella rough.

I remember I didn't have any motivation to practice anything extra at home during the first few months. That menu was killing me.

Even after Luke somewhat acclimated to that intense regime, his meme practice at home became a secondary priority. He did that whenever he felt like it, but he didn't maintain a regular schedule.

Well, that one was on me, TBH. Luke admitted. I should've forced myself to do it regularly, then it would've been easier to stick with it. But, I didn't.

As a result, Luke reached the first scrimmage of the year in a half-cooked state. He didn't train as hard as his peers at the club, and neither did he really practice his memes much at home.

I'm not a clown, I'm the entire circus. Luke shook his head. I was making excuses upon excuses.

He left club practice early because he was gonna "practice memes at home", but then he often lazed around at home because he was "too tired from club practice". Ironic.

Yep, I totally became a lazy ass. My body wasn't ready for any of this.

That's why, during the Taurus scrimmage, Luke's contribution was on the meh side.

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