Vol.18 Ch.36: Lars vs. Jin

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Timing is key here. Jin thought. Gunz probably thinks that he's firing his shots when I can't move, but that's not entirely true.

Gunz fired the previous shot with impressive timing as he waited for the moment when Jin started swinging the hammer. At that point, Jin was locked in the attack animation and should've been unable to move. This was an effective approach, but not entirely bulletproof.

I suppose his tactic works fine against most players in this region. But, I know a counter. Jin swung his sledgehammer once again. As expected, Gunz fired soon after with pitch-perfect timing. The guy had a truly impressive reaction speed, even Jin had to admit.

Nonetheless, Gunz's little scheme was going to fall apart. All it took was a little backstep.

As soon as Jin's sledgehammer slammed into the enemy swordsmen, he animation-canceled the recovery into a quick backstep. As a result, the laser beam hit him instead of the minions.

Needless to say, the enemy wasn't ready for this development.

"No way, yo!" Lars exclaimed. "But, I aimed it so well! That dang step-cancel thing, yo...!"

His plan was supposed to be bulletproof. No other player out there could do anything against Lars's careful timing and 200% accuracy.

And yet, this Apprentece dude just shut down the play on the spot. He made it look so effortless, too. Like, dude saw Lars shooting twice and figured everything out. What a pro!

This ain't good. Lars frowned as he watched the entire enemy army turn their gazes toward him. They now branded him a first-class criminal for his offense. I was framed, yo! I'm innocent, I swear!

Alas, no amount of pleading will change the bots' minds. They were dead set on avenging their commander, that dang dude who stepped into Lars's shot of his own volition!

Okay, so what now? Lars wondered. I can retreat, or I can keep shooting these dudes until it's time to bail out.

Fortunately, there was no danger of being ganked anytime soon because Winner had just finished clearing Top. So, Lars stood his ground and fired another laser beam! ZAP!

Apprentece probably didn't see this move coming because he didn't bother guarding his minions at all this time. And so, Lars delivered a clean hit on one of the bowmen.

So, what was the Korean pro going to do about this? Did he have any more cool tricks up his sleeve!?

He keeps shooting? Jin wondered. Well, I suppose that's an acceptable approach. He has nothing to be afraid of until the minions actually get closer, but he's definitely taking a risk here. We'll get over there very soon.

As Jin's minions advanced ahead and invaded enemy territory, the enemy swordsmen were obligated to give chase. To do so, they gradually moved from their frontline toward their backline. As a result, the entire enemy formation was now lumped together, and this was exactly what Jin wanted.

BAM! His hammer slammed into the entire enemy wave, demolishing their HP. The swordsmen who were already injured collapsed on the spot, while the rest sustained critical injuries.

BAM! A second strike sealed the deal. Jin obliterated the entire enemy army.

Now, Gunz was left all alone on the lane. Meanwhile, Jin and his army marched toward him.

Nonetheless, the guy exhibited no signs of being worried about any of this. He continued firing shots through his Elven Sight as if the approaching forces were just an illusion.

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