Vol.18 Ch.40: Nia vs. Jin

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With everybody's approval, Nia pressed on with her plans to gank Apprentece in Bot. It was scary, but it was something she had to do!

And so, she used Phantasm to summon her dear twin sister. This granted her invisibility, so was now ready to slay the monster!

H-Here goes! Nia braced herself as she braved through the jungle.

The more she thought about this situation, the more absurd it all felt. It was no exaggeration to say that Nia was on her way to fighting the biggest final boss she might ever face in her life. What's more, this scary guy had already wrecked her twice by now.

Nonetheless, there Nia was, creeping up to this god-tier scary dude. At this point, it was hard to tell what was actually scarier here: that Korean monster, or Nia's uncanny determination to take on this terrifying challenge.

In short, everything is scary here. But, I'mma do this...!

She entered the lane and pressed onward. With each step, her heart beat harder and harder. A part of her kept telling her that this was suicide, that she should retreat before she regretted this.

Nonetheless, her legs continued onward. Nia took multiple deep breaths to dispel all that anxiety as she forced herself to push forward.

I'm almost there. Almost. Nia crept ever closer to her target.

So far, there hadn't been any signs of the enemy noticing her presence. The Orc was pushing the Turret along with his minions, acting as if he owned the entire lane. This level of cockiness was par for the course with this guy.

I REALLY wanna smack this guy...! Nia grumped. She was itching to open her attack with Cursed Dagger for maximum damage, but she knew it might backfire. Against an opponent of this caliber, it was too risky to go for this unguaranteed combo.

I'll just hit him with the ult. That should be enough. Yeah.

Her target was almost within reach. The cocky guy still showed no signs of reacting to Nia's sneaky approach, which implied he didn't have a Vision Ward hidden around this time. As Nia speculated, the guy was totally absorbed in pushing the lane. He was barely paying any attention to his surroundings at all.

In fact, he was so determined to see this push through that he even cast his ult.

"Stand your ground, grunts! You're not permitted to die until I say so!" the Orc yelled at the minions, forcing them to stay on their feet no matter how much damage they take. Even if they were to drop to negative damage, the little guys will continue pushing!

Isn't it a little late for that? Nia wondered. This is something he should've cast right at the start, right? Back when his minions first entered the tower area.

The timing was really weird. This wasn't the kind of misplay an Asian pro would make. But, it wasn't Nia's concern. The only thing she cared about was pushing this guy deep into the tower area and finishing him off!

Here comes! Nia got into position and unleashed Force of Rejection. Darkness erupted all around her, rejecting everything in sight! But, something went wrong.

"E-Eh!?" Nia jumped. W-Why did he...!?

Just as Nia unleashed her ult, the Orc rolled in her direction! And, since Nia made sure to approach the guy as closely as possible in order to maximize the ult's push-back effect, the guy ended up rolling past her!

"N-No!" Nia shrieked. Everything was going according to plan, but then in an instant, everything crumbled!

Well, maybe not everything. Force of Rejection still hit Apprentece and pushed him away. However, instead of pushing him deeper into the allied territory, it pushed the guy away toward the middle of the lane!

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