An Unexpected Fall

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After the events of the last battle, Harry Potter finds himself contemplating what he wants to do later on in life. He always wished to become an Auror but after all the fighting he has done his life he wishes to do something other than just battling it out with the other dark lords that may appear during his life, becoming an DADA professor would be his next best choice and help train the future students that appear in the future and if that fails just become a quidditch team member and enjoy the rest of his life playing his favorite sport. He gets his teaching degree with Hermionie's and Ron's full support, his friends glad that he chose a career that is certainly less dangerous than going around and fighting any death eaters that remained loyal to Voldemort to the end.

 As Harry gets ready to teach his first year in Hogwarts, Ron and Hermione get married in early Autumn as a small private affair that only close family attend. None of the people gathered wanted reporters snooping around any more than they need to, especially after the war as they doubled their efforts on dissecting every action that the golden trio make after the final battle. Harry is always the main headline for months to come. When Harry started teaching, Ron and Hermione wanted to start a family. Neville and Luna got married as well and Ginny eventually saw that Harry simply wasn't interested in her as she was in him and decided to find someone else and she does and is now also going to be married after a few months.

 People constantly asking Harry what his plans are for the future but he always responds that he just plans to teach the next generation, honestly he doesn't really know and he just wants to take things slow for the next few years at least but knowing Potter luck he would get maybe half a year before he is caught up in the next thing the universe throws at him. Hermione continues to build up the social chain and plans to change a few things in the wizarding world. Ron has entered the Auror ranks and is also steadily climbing and leads his own team in a few short months due to his activity in the war and how he is amazing at strataegising and saved them in a few tight spots. Harry himself enjoys teaching his students but after a few weeks he decided that this wasn't going to work, from the way the students keep glancing at him and not doing their work to being always raised to a pedestal during teacher meetings.

 Shortly he resigned as Hermoine has became minister of magic, he knew that Hermione would be an amazing minister that actually changed the laws in the effort to benefit all magical beings instead of just the bigoted pure blood wizards. Harry looks through different careers while sitting in the library in Grimmauld palace and is struck by the idea of being a dark magic/artifact researcher. Harry remembers all of the important magical objects including his fathers cape, the mirror erised and the veil. He quickly decided that the veil will be his first puzzle to solve in his new career choice as it took his godfather from him. He quickly reached out into the library and researched enough to make Hermione jealous.

 After a two months of researching and reading he took the licensing exam and passed with flying colors, his teaching license greatly boosted this procedure and proved his capabilities in the general dark arts.Harry met his small team next week and was happy with researching the veil. The ministry never did declare what the veil was specifically and the people who discovered that they don't exactly know what it is and where the people go or what happens to them when they get tossed inside deeply concerns them. Hermione herself upon discovering this immediately gives recommendations to Harry to read up on the topic as she was currently drowning in her work and was not able to read them herself, Ron was currently busy leading his team on his final mission before taking a break so he could help Hermione the last few weeks until she gives birth.

 Harry gladly finds the books and their team actually makes progress. The few things that they had found out is that the Veil changes shape a few times a year, the largest recorded was during the summer and winter solstice, thus meaning that the Veil has some connection to outer space. They found out recently that it absorb spells and seems to instead of immediately killing the person that gets thrown in, it seems to separate their body and the should, similar to how the dementors kiss works but their soul actually seems to pass on through to the afterlife while their body is used as a way to power the artifact, thus leaving the Veil powered and seem to give a sort of shimmery effect on the person passing through it. Soon Rose, Hermoine's and Ron's little baby girl was born and Harry was happy to be her godfather. He constantly comes over to help mind after her and this routine continues through the year. The news press eventually find out about Rose and this is their new headline for the week but due to the combined efforts of Hermione and Harry they got through the worst of it and it eventually dies down.

After rose turned 2 and the golden trio turned 21 they began to drift away. Hermione and Ron busy with their lifestyle and child, Harry the research team finally being close to a breakthrough and deciphering what exactly makes the Veil function. They still meet up but it became more and more sporadic until they meet up only once or twice a year. Hermoine passed new laws and regulations as well as banned a few objects, such as the love potion and a few other. Ron's team expanded and he now leads and directs multiple teams. Harry was excited on finally decoding the Veil after three years, his team started to dwindle in numbers from twenty or so to five as the appeal of working with the savior of the wizarding world wasn't as glamorous as the newspapers make him to be. 

The winter solstice was quickly approaching and as Ron and Hermione were planning Yule presents for Rose, Harry was studying all of the books on time and dimensional magic as it seems to affect the Veil. They all couldn't meet up this month and while Harry was saddened by the fact that they were drifting further and further apart, he couldn't blame them for wanting a normal life and away from the chaos that is his existence.

When the 22nd of December came, Harry was ready with books in his moleskin bag and enough variety of food for a week(tea for a year) and his phoenix core wand and a thick fluffy coat since the stone floors were cold. He arrived there at 9 am and got situated a good few meters away, he then took out a notebook and a self writing quill and was ready to take any necessary notes. The coat turned out to be a great necessity as the stone floor seemed to be made of ice, a faint shimmer seeming to appear over the tile in slender swirls. Every five or so minutes Harry would take fresh recordings of the temperature, time and the shape and size of the Veil, using some small spells that doesn't affect the readings that he takes.As soon as the hour reached 3am, the readings started to change dramatically.

 Instead of the Veil being cold it seemed to warm up, the shape remained the same but the size started to increase, slowly at first but then it drastically started to expand. Misty tendrils of silver started to reach upwards and downwards as if to stabilize itself, branch-like appendages crawl on the tiles. Harry looked on with fascination, eyes not leaving the object with the sound of a self writing quill and notebook accompanying him, writing out every change that happens. Not even after five minutes pass before it seemed practically pulse with power, it's misty appendages almost seemingly solid as a dull humming seeming to originate from the Veil.

 Transfixed, Harry slowly approached the Veil to hear it better. As soon as he approaches the Veil it seemed to get even louder, so being the still reckless teenage boy he is, Harry approached until he was a few short steps away from the Veil. Harry doesn't notice the portal spreading towards him or how it seems to pulse with magic as he scans the notes that are taken and makes comparisons. He doesn't look up until the humming suddenly stops. When he looks up, his eyes widen behind his thick framed glasses as the Veil was right in front of his eyes. He was rooted to the spot for a second from sheer shock and a second was all the Veil needed to engulf Harry with a faint pop.

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