A Park-er Meeting

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The next day, Harry attended his first lesson online and the amount of subjects he needs to do must be a criminal offense in at least one country. Who on Earth thinks that math is a requirement? Battling a basilisk, warding off hundreds of dementors and killing a dark lord at 18 is easier than bloody calculus. When the lessons were done for the day, Harry decided to take a break from the phone and wanted to take another walk in the park.

 Getting his phone and keys, he headed out and started his trek to the park. He was thankful that there was a breeze outside as he wore a long sleeve shirt to cover the scars he had that a 13 year old probably would not. Curiously most of his scars are only from his Hogwarts years and thankfully none from his researching career cause if he did then his hands would be scarred all over and he would have had long lasting injuries due to touching all of the 'probably not cursed' objects. It would have been much more difficult to keep up glamours in just one part of the body consistently and not all of it, draining the streams around him and the lack of concentration due to focusing on the glamours.

When he arrived at the park he sat down under the tree, enjoying the shade as the sun was relentlessly shining down on him. The wind blew and in a moment of contentedness, he closed his eyes and enjoyed how it seemed to almost play with his hair. His peaceful silence was suddenly broken when a kids voice squeaked out "Hi". Slightly startled, Harry jerked his eyes open, battle reflexes from 7th year still active, snapped to the boy that he helped yesterday. "Hullo" he drawled back, wondering why the kid approached him in the first place.

"Ummm... I was just... well... umm..." he glanced back and Harry also leaned to see what he was looking at and he saw a woman probably an acquaintance as the boy seemed to look to her for guidance. "thankyouforyesterdayandwaswonderingifIcangettoknowyousinceyouseemnicenadallbutifyoudon'tthenit'stotallyfineand-" "Whoa,whoa,whoa I didn't get any of that could you slow down a bit" Harry said calmly, knowing how awkward it can be to talk to another person and how nervous the kid looked didn't help him in any regard. "Thank you... can we talk for a bit?" a shy tone of voice was used making the request seeming harder to ignore if Harry even tried to ignore it. "Sure, I'm Harry". He stuck his hand out to shake the others hand which was a bit awkward due to the angle from sitting under the tree "I'm Peter" the newly identified Peter chirped. The woman behind shot a not so discreet thumbs up at Peter, blushing he squeaked "Aunt May", slightly mortified. Harry chuckled and waved good naturedly to the Aunt and Peter just seemed to liquefy at that point and sat beside Harry.

After that they seemed to get along really well, Peters reserved nature complimented with Harry's own slightly outgoing self. With Harry starting off a topic until Peter intervened and went off on a tangent, spewing off multiple theories, opinions and experiences. This conversation reminded him of Hermiones tangents on S.P.E.W when he got to the Avengers and science. Rarely did Harry need to lie with where he came from (London) and when did he get here (a month ago).

They stuck to the superficial topics but seemed to get along scarily well and the conversation lasted until the sun was beginning to set. "Peter it's time to go, Ben's making dinner and we don't want to be late!", both of them were stopped from their conversation on which is stronger Thor or Iron man(it was obviously Thor, the man has the power of thunder for magics sake). Both of them were disappointed on the end of their conversation but May reminded them that they have phones and gleefully exchanged phone numbers. Peter then ran to May and took off home, but not before shouting, "BYE HARRY!". Chuckling Harry got up from the hard ground, thankful that he didn't have the injury from the past in his knee. Shaking it off, he then also walked to his apartment, smiling at getting a new friend. After being alone for nearly a year now after he and his friends split, Harry was glad to have someone to talk to. Even if it's about topics like the Avengers and school.


Peter was nearly vibrating out of his skin. It was sooo cool to have talked to Harry like that. He didn't seemed at all disturbed with his rambling about space, science and Iron man. It was so fun talking to him and now that he has his phone number he can talk to him and meet up with him even more now. That chance meeting from yesterday from his escape from the bullies was so worth it. While Harry did seem a bit silent at times, he could see the attentiveness that were in is eyes, knowing that he was listened to, Peter was more confident in his ramblings and the gentle interjections helped the conversations flow. He knew that Harry was hiding something though, some indicators as he seemed to avoid talk about this family and home being 2 of them. When Harry steered away from those topics, Peter respected that but he couldn't help but be curious about it. Oh well, maybe over time he'll speak about it but for know he'll talk to Ben all about it and text Harry because Iron man is obviously superior to Thor.

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